‘Why Stand With Israel?’ film explores Biblical truth to debunk ‘diabolical hatred’ of Jews

Originally published in CBN News

A new documentary is using specific Scripture to point out the Biblical basis for standing with Israel. CBN News talked with the film’s creator and director who says the timing of its release is no coincidence.

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Eight years in the making, the production of Why Stand with Israel involved numerous trips to the Loly Land and interviews with top Christian and Jewish leaders.

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Brian Sanders, director of the film, says; “So all glory to God. I’m excited and I pray that those that would watch our film, they would see God’s heart on display for why He chose the Jewish people in the nation of Israel. Because this is the only people group in the land he made an everlasting covenant with. I mean, there’s no other nation He talks about more in His Word from Genesis to Revelation than the nation of Israel.”

The film debuts as antisemitism is growing to levels not seen since World War II with anti-Israel protests on college campuses spreading chaos, fear, and shutting down graduation ceremonies.  Sanders says this all leads to a divine message.

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“We’ve seen such diabolical hatred and just prejudice and bias against the Jewish people on college campuses. And it is truly rampant. And the Church was silent during the Holocaust. And I believe nowadays we can’t afford as believers, as Christians, to be silent again against God’s people and His nation that He calls His. And so I believe it’s truly important for such a time as this that I believe God is shaking the Church and saying: ‘I want you to stand with My people,'” he says.

While the Bible says the Jews are God’s chosen people and the apple of His eye, they’ve also been the most persecuted group throughout history. Why is that?

“Well, I believe it’s a spiritual battle. I mean, Israel, Jerusalem itself is the most contested piece of real estate on the planet. And since the beginning of time, since the days of Pharaoh, I mean the enemy of God has been against God’s people. And we’ve seen it through history from the days of Pharaoh, from the days of Hitler and the Holocaust and World War II, and even today on the college campuses. And unfortunately, we’re seeing even antisemitism within the Church. And that cannot happen. We can’t allow that,” Sanders says.

He reinforces the biblical message that blessings follow those who stand with Israel.

“What comes to mind is Genesis 12:3: ‘I will bless those who bless thee, and whoever curses you, I will curse and through you, all the nations of the earth will be blessed.’ I think we need to be on the side of God,” he says.

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