Win a copy of Extra Ordinary — The Film

extraordinaryfilmlogoWhat happens when ordinary Christians say ‘Yes’ to our extraordinary God? You can see for yourself in the exciting, new South African documentary movie, Extra Ordinary — The Film, which is now available to rent or download from

Described by the filmmakers as a love letter to the world, and by world, the film was inspired by a group of passionate young adults, called CORE, who have gone from beach destinations to city neighbourhoods in order to demonstrate practical love and serve any and every one open to receiving God’s goodness.

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Visit the film website and Facebook page to find out more about this movie, how to view it and how to partner with this project.

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Gateway News is proud to be partnering with Extra Ordinary — The Film and will be giving away two copies (downloads) of the film to readers who correctly answer the question below and email their answer to by Wednesday October 28. Your email should include your name, contact details and city/town. The winners will be announced on Friday, October 30.

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Question: What is the name of the group of young adults who inspired the movie?

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