Wisdom, art and worship music at PE Womb Stewardship launch

Pastor Anthony Noble uses art to share a ministry message at the launch of Womb Stewardship in Port Elizabeth.

“Boyfriends shouldn’t have husbands’ benefits”, said Dr Pinky Ngcakani-Ncula during a talk at the Womb Stewardship launch in Port Elizabeth on Friday October 12.

The ministry founded by “Dr Pinky”, which encourages young and unmarried people to remain celibate and to refrain from sexual immorality, was launched with a red-carpet evening at the Feather Market Centre, that included talks by guest speakers, worship music, poetry and art.

Dr Pinky Ngcakani-Ncula addresses the gathering.

Dr Pinky was supported by guest speakers Pastor Thando Melane, Pastor Margo Scholtz, who spoke about purity, Pastor Kaya Maphinda, who spoke about womb stewardship, Dr Pinkie Mbambisa, who spoke about the womb of the nation, and Pastor Anthony Noble who ministered through visual art.

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Speakers emphasised the importance of holding on to one’s dreams. During his word of welcome, Pastor Melane spoke about the importance of prayer. He told of two women who lived in New Brighton in the early 80s, Mam Cotho and Mam Gonomi. The two used to pray daily at 4am for Port Elizabeth, and against the spirit of alcoholism. During those years there was not a single bar in the townships, he said.

“When I saw Pinky the first time I said to her ‘God has called you into a ministry. He has not called you into opening up a church’ and I said to her something like Joyce Meyer and she grabbed it,” he said.

“Womb Stewardship is a covenant between God, the source and He has entrusted this ministry upon Dr Pinky Ngcakani-Ncula,” said Pastor Maphinda. He said this ministry encourages young people to take responsibility for their lives and to understand that “you cannot be young twice, you are young once”.

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He said the ministry also preaches about accountability, which he illustrated with a Scripture by King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 11:9 — “Rejoice O young man in your youth and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, do everything you want to do, but remember this, you will give an account unto God”.

We Will Worship and Grace SA performing at the launch.

Pastor Scholtz said: “We should ask ourselves, who created this gift called our sexuality?” Pointing out that the obvious answer was “God”, she said just as we go to the maker of the product should we not understand anything about it, we should consult God about  our bodies and sexuality.

Pastor Noble ministered through artistic painting, starting with a blank white board and finishing with a canvas of magnificent landscapes. He said as an artist he had a complete picture of what he was painting in his head, way before he put it on paper.

Referring to his finished artwork and his audience’s reaction to it when it was in its early stages, he said: “Though when I started it, it didn’t look good, it was still a masterpiece. Even when I had painted with the colours that you don’t like, I knew what I was doing and still getting take advice from you.”

He said that was how God works; that we may have things in our lives that we do not understand, but God as our maker knows about it all. He knows how it will turn out at the end because when He formed us in our mothers’ wombs He knew every little details about our lives.

Young violinist Khensani with Ndileka Aboagye of Gateway News.

Dr Mbambisa, who is well-known in the Eastern Cape for speaking about matters that affect women, gave some profound insight into how women should look after their wombs, and how their wombs carry nations.

Dr Pinky said: “We live in a world where losing your cell phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity”.

She encouraged young people to make informed decisions about their lives.

“Women have set this biological clock for themselves that ‘Before I reach 30 I must at least have a child’. Women have to change that mindset and maybe say ‘Before I reach 30 I must have a PhD”.

She said the high rate of unwanted pregnancies in South Africa was a result of sexual carelessness.

The evening included the launch of an album called Breakthrough. Not only did Dr Pinky write all the songs in the album but she was also executive producer. The album was performed by Grace SA, with one song sung by Dr Pinky, and another by Sweet Voices from East London. The album will soon be available in stores. It is already available at  www.wombstewardship.co.za.

We Will Worship expressed honour and excitement at being part of the launch and told Gateway News they shared Womb Stewardship’s vision of purity and of honouring God with their hearts, minds, and bodies.

“What stands out on this movement and especially from the speakers of tonight is really spending time with the Lord and allowing Him to take over. And I would encourage my daughters and every girl child to stay closer and closer to God” said one of the men in the group

I also spoke to Khensani, a 17-year-old violinist from Port Elizabeth, who said womb stewardship was what the young people of SA need to help them stay focused.

Sweet Voices, a group of three tenors from East London, said they were proud to be part of the launch and wish that hoped that the message of this ministry will reach multitudes.

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