Witbank conference will reveal what it means to be a Christian man

restored2015aThe Restored 2015 men’s annual conference at Gateway Church International in Witbank from September 17 to 19 aims to practically explore and build understanding of what it means to be a Christian man.

The theme of the conference led by Senior Pastor Eddie Phetla is ‘God’s TRUTH, the answer to the lives and circumstances of men”. Other speakers are Pastor Afrika Mhlophe, Dr Thabelo Malovhele, Pastor Bongani Dumane and Pastor Jeremiah Magagula.

The conference main topic, A Christian Man, will be broken down into the following four workshop topics:

  1. A Christian Man as Father

The only thing worse in our culture today than the way men view themselves as husbands is the way they view themselves as fathers. Men have no idea how important this role is in the development of their children physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This session helps men see their role as father through the indicatives and imperatives of Scripture.

  1. A Christian Man as Husband

Most men struggle with their role as husbands. This is not only a result of poor teaching and bad examples; it is also a question of missing the importance the Bible places on marriage as a portrait of the relationship between Christ and the church. A man who does not care about his relationship with his wife is a man who either does not understand, or properly value Christ and the Church.

  1. A Christian Man as Son

Independence and submission are the struggles that all men both young and old battle with. This session will seek to address the fifth commandment in the Bible and its implications for men both young and old as they struggle to strike a balance between independence and submission to authority.  

  1. A Christian Man and the Church

Why do churches have to constantly beg men to get involved? A great deal of the problem arises out of confusion over men’s roles in the modern, corporate, highly professional church. This session will examine the vital Titus 2 ministry older men can have in the church, and the critical role young men can and should play in support of the Church’s ministry.

The conference will open on Thursday,  September 17 at 6pm and continues on Friday (entire day), and Saturday. On the 19th, Saturday afternoon, Men at the Cross will host their 2nd PHALADI Leadership awards. These awards are given to men as recognition for the leadership and service in different ministries in the church.

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Registration for the conference is now opened at http://www.gwci.org.za/news_events/event_details/107. The conference is open to all men, young and old, married and single.

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