Maximum penalty of R100m and/or life imprisonment
Originally published in
President Jacob Zuma has signed the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill into law, giving South Africa, for the first time, a single statute that tackles human trafficking holistically and comprehensively.
The long-awaited new law provides a maximum penalty of R100-million or life imprisonment or both in the case of a conviction.
Spokesperson in the Presidency Mac Maharaj said yesterday (Monday, July 29, 2013) that the legislative framework dealing with this issue had until now been fragmented.
“For instance, the legislation dealing with sexual offences addresses the trafficking of persons for purposes of sexual exploitation only, while the Children’s Act addresses the trafficking of children specifically,” Maharaj said.
Besides creating the main offence of trafficking in persons, the new legislation also creates offences such as debt bondage, possessing, destroying or tampering with travel documents, and using the services of victims of trafficking, all of which contribute to innocent persons becoming victims of this modern-day form of slavery.
Maharaj warned that the penalties for these offences were appropriately severe, as a deterrent to would-be perpetrators.
“The main offence of trafficking in persons, for instance, attracts a maximum penalty of R100-million or life imprisonment or both in the case of a conviction. Compensation is furthermore payable by the perpetrators to their victims.”
Help for victims
In addition to creating very specific offences that have a bearing on trafficking in persons, Maharaj said the legislation also focused on the plight of the victims, providing them with protection and assistance to overcome their traumatic experiences.
The new legislation gives effect to South Africa’s international obligations in terms of a United Nations Protocol.
“While the legislation has been signed into law, its operationalization is dependent on regulations that are required to be made by a number of role-playing departments such as Home Affairs,” Maharaj noted.
“This is receiving urgent attention, and the plan is to have the Act put into operation as soon as possible.”
Anti-human trafficking conference
Major Margaret Stafford, Stafford, national coordinator of the Salvation Army’s Anti-Human Trafficking desk today enthusiastically welcomed the news that the Bill, which was before Parliament for six years, has finally been signed into law. She said the development was timely for an anti-human trafficking conference in Port Elizabeth on August 31 aimed at equipping Christians to work together against trafficking. One of the conference speakers, Professor Beatri Kuger, of the Department of Criminal and Medical Law at the University of the Orange Free State, will talk about the new legislation and its role in closing legal loopholes hindering the fight against trafficking. The conference fee, which includes lunch and teas is R50 per person. Delgates can register by calling Margie at 041 367 1100 or emailing August 24 is the final date for registration.
Good job Mr. President
The vital input of ACDP MP Steve Swart needs to be acknowledged in this. He has pushed for this legislation – where others had forgotten about it after the run-up to the World Cup in SA. His dynamic involvement ensured this legislation was passed. Well done MP Steve Swart – “good and faithful servant of God”.
Praise God that this Bill has finally been approved. The Government now needs to appoint responsible officials to handle this matter. Any corruption in this area is to receive the same severe penalties as the convicted parties