2014 – The year of new and greater things!

Defending family, faith and freedom

As this is my first newsletter for 2014, I wish you and your family God’s best for the New Year. I pray that He will guide you and bless you with wisdom, favour and abundance in 2014.

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Arlene and I and the team at Family Policy Institute are expecting God to take us to greater heights in the ministry. We pray you will also experience new and greater things this year.

FPI has hit the ground running. The “Watchmen on the Wall” TV program on TBN Africa will focus extensively on the General Elections the next few months. I have already requested interviews with President Zuma, DA leader-Helen Zille and leaders of the other political parties in Parliament.

“Watchmen on the Wall” will go beyond the headlines to bring you a Biblical Christian perspective of the promises and claims made by the various political parties contesting the General Elections.

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As South Africa celebrates 20 years of democracy in 2014, we will provide you with an honest appraisal of the gains made over the past two decades and the current state of the nation.

The Church of Jesus Christ will face formidable challenges this year. The most insidious threats come from ‘sexual rights’ activists who plan to criminalise the preaching of God’s Word.

The introduction of hate crimes legislation, the criminalisation of parents for disciplining their own children and the push to decriminalise organised crime by decriminalising the nefarious sex industry in SA – are all on the cards following the General Elections in April/May 2014.

God is giving the Body of Christ in South Africa another opportunity to alter the course of this nation by making Holy Spirit inspired choices at the ballot box on Election Day.

As co-labourers with Christ, God is calling His Church to pray fervently for SA’s fifth Democratic Elections. Your and my prayers and actions can and will determine the destiny of this nation.

2014 is the year the Bible believing Christian Church changes focus and engages society with sincere and sustainable initiatives that will bring about genuine social transformation.

The more Spirit led Christian citizens actively engage South Africa’s democracy, the more you and I will see positive change in society. Evil prospers when good people do nothing.

FPI is strategically positioned to inform, educate and equip the Body of Christ with the tools to influence and impact the nation with Biblical Truth. This Truth alone shall set us free!

The Word God gave me for 2014 is that we must expect “new things” this year. I have prepared my heart, family and ministry for the new things of God and encourage you to do likewise.

It won’t be business as usual. I am sick and tired of the declining spiritual and moral climate in South Africa. God wants to change our situation but needs your and my co-operation.

Please set your hearts to fully co-operate with the Lord this year. Pray fervently for our nation, remain spiritually vigilant, obey His Word in every detail and put action to your faith.

The key to our success is the unity of the faith. Let’s endeavour to build and maintain momentum this year and strengthen key partnerships. You and I can do more together than on our own.

One Comment

  1. Thanks Errol, this article is a reminder to us-the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ to wake up and to listen to the Spirit of God as we go to the polls this year. My prayer is that all Christians vote for Christ not the devil. Hlengani

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