AE appoints new International Team Leader

Rev Stephen Mbogo

Stephen Mbogo has been appointed as the new International Team Leader for African Enterprise (AE) International.

Rev Mbogo’s appointment follows a comprehensive, and international search led by Mr John Reynolds former Chairman of AE USA and Chairman of the Selection Committee, reports AE in a newsletter today.

Mbogo joined the ministry of African Enterprise in 1992 as a youth co-ordinator, he then moved to the missions department in 1994 a few years after that he was appointed as the team leader of the African Enterprise ministry in Kenya.

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He served as team leader for 8 years until he was invited to do his PhD at Biola University in 2008. Rev Mbogo will be taking the baton from Stephen Lungu who has faithfully served the ministry of AE for close to 30 years. Lungu is now retiring from administrative duties but will continue to bless the ministry with his evangelistic gift.

Mbogo carries with him a wealth of administrative skills and he brings with him years of servant leadership especially in mission settings, reports AE. He will join the team in January 2013.

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