Author: Neziswa Kanju

To know God is to love Him!!!!!!

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] I would honestly say that I never knew God growing up. Yes, I went to church every Sunday and grew up in a family that respected the things of God. My mother made sure that I was confirmed in the Anglican Church […]

The value of honour

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] These past few weeks in South Africa we have heard and heard over again the word “honourable” while watching the State of the nation address (SONA) and while watching the debate the parliamentarians had on what happened at the SONA. That word […]

Right of way and a better way

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] We all wish that when we entered marriage there was a rule book that we all understood. A book that covers all the rules of marriage telling us how exactly one should behave in different situations in which we find ourselves. As […]

Light on fatherhood and leadership

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] From November 20 to 22 2014 the International Ministers Fellowship (IMF) held their annual conference for the SADEC region in Pretoria. There were delegates who came from many different parts of the world. The IMF is a living, loving and functional network […]