Author: Neziswa Kanju

Daddy come home!

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] Zane Meas, the CEO and founder of the Fatherhood Foundation, legendary actor and author of Daddy Come Home; actor/producer on the movie Father was one of our guests in the marriage and family television program I co-host with my husband Rest Kanju, […]

How will your family remember you?

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] Whether one is rich or poor; loved or hated; president; prisoner or free, young or old, we all have one thing in common that is the equaliser for all of us…..we will all die one day. How we live our life;  our […]

Building the house of marriage

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships. In today’s column Neziswa interviews Mrs South Africa 2013, Fikile Mekgoe.[/notice] Marriage is about building a life together with your spouse. It is similar to building a house. The building process does not take a day. It takes planning, finding the builders, laying […]