‘Blueprint’ released for world revival to start in SA

For 10 years a Johannesburg couple, Warren and Mirjam Horak, have been seeking the Lord and praying over a detailed prophetic blueprint that He gave Mirjam for a revival that would start in South Africa and spread through Africa, Israel and the world.

“Up until now we have not released these visions other than to a very few people, due to the importance and nature of these words,” say the couple in a message they have begun to share online, via social media and email.

Mirjam and Warren Horak.

Sensing that it was time to “come out from underground” as an important stage for preparing for revival has been reached, they began releasing key words from the blueprint and simultaneously called on “torch bearers” [believers who carry a torch for revival and are prepared to host and steward the coming revival] and intercessors [who are called to walk with the torch bearers] from seven “cities of revival” identified in the prophecy, to connect and gather with them.

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The response to the call to gather together has been excellent and WhatsApp groups have been started for each of the revival cities [Cape Town, George, Port Elizabeth, Upington, Bloemfontein, Durban and Johannesburg.], said Warren in a telephonic interview yesterday.

“I’m getting emails and WhatsApps daily. It just doesn’t stop. So it’s coming together at a rapid rate. The Lord is doing something,” he said.

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Warren said he had already been praying for revival for many years when Mirjam, who had recently arrived in SA from Holland, asked the Lord what her purpose was in the country, and He gave her the blueprint in a series of visions over several months.

“She didn’t even know South Africa or the map of South Africa and I was amazed at the strategic nature of what she was getting,” said Warren.

He said he had previously heard more general prophecies about a revival starting in the south and moving to the north, but he was astounded by the detail and the strategic keys to revival in Mirjam’s visions.

Warren and Mirjam were married in 2011 and have two sons, David, 5 and Daniel, 3. Warren is a businessman and founder of Fathers Heart International Ministries.

Warren said they were currently only permitted by the Lord to release extracts from the 57-page blueprint. What they were free to share amounted to about 12% of what God had given Miriam in the blueprint.

An overview of the published extracts can be viewed online here and anybody wanting to participate in and be kept up to date with the campaign to gather the torch bearers and intercessors from the seven cities of revival to seek revival, can do so by clicking on this link.

Warren said the vision of seven cities of revival did not mean other cities were excluded but that these were the cities that God was highlighting now.

Some of the key parts of the blueprint that can be read in more detail online are:

  • The fresh fire released by united torch bearers in the cities of revival will open the heavens above their cities in a way that has never been seen before. Thousands of people will be drawn to the cities to “receive”.
  • Whatever is created when the seven torches [revival cities] come together will draw many “hungry” people into the fire. There will be a massive atomic explosion with waves moving outward across the nation.
  • The vision showed a huge key of revival being carried across SA by many people. The key opens the door of heaven. It will take unity and corporate obedience to turn it.
  • The tip of the key is a flame. The back of the key is a menorah with the seven torches. The finger of God is writing details on the key. The seven ingredients that move the key are: obedience, humility, transparency, unity, repentance, purity, fear of the Lord.
  • The key is passed from nation to nation. Torch bearers are raised in each nation.
  • The seven nations across which a river of fire will flow are South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Egypt and Israel. Angels of heaven will be excited to see what God is releasing.
  • Once this river of fire reaches Israel it will turn into gold and go from Israel to the entire earth.

The challenge now was to gather torch bearers — not to pray for revival but to host revival, said Warren yesterday.

The revival fires that were going to be released would be contagious and people would come without the need for any marketing or prominent speakers — Jesus would be the main speaker. It was going to be an indigenous revival that would spread to the world and it was necessary to prepare a new wineskin to host it.

Those participating in preparing for it would need to submit themselves and their ministries to the Lord and to one another, repent, learn from one another and allow the Holy Spirit to lead the way.

“Only when these vessels for revival start to come together, by the Spirit and lay it all down and seek the Lord as one, will we see revival fire break out in these seven cities!

“He will pour out glory over the meeting when the number is right — of people in one accord,” he said.


  1. I declare the Glory fire of Heaven moving into the heart of man to stand together in union as it is in Heaven so it will flow on earth.
    Thanks for all moving together with the Holy Spirit! Father You are a good good Lord, thanks for your Love, in Your actions.

  2. Gill Kretzschmar

    I consider myself as a torch bearer and am involved in ministry

  3. I saw 4men
    Daniels friends and an angel in the fire oven

  4. Stanley Naidoo

    A great vision has been released for our seven nations. We need to uplift these nations for the end times are at hand.Lets pray together for divine instruction from the Lord on how to prepare these nations for this event to transpire.Amen?

    • Hi Stanley, :)

      Yes this why we are gathering in the seven cities to gain wisdom from the Lord and for all to share their pieces of the puzzle.

      Only as all lay our lives down and serve each other will He release the Key of Revival for these 7 nations and the whole world.

      God bless you brother :)

  5. Monica Rayner

    Amen..Isaiah 43:19 Behold I am doing a new thing! Now it spring forth praise God..its time.

  6. My God of Zion…

  7. John Saunders

    On and On it goes. Meeting upon meeting! Gathering upon gathering!

    Celebrity upon Celebrity! Scheme upon Scheme! Look at Me! “My gathering is going to bigger and better than Yours.” “You say you have heard from the Lord?” “No, You have not!” “I have heard from the Lord!”

    Look at the Headlines! Look at the Big Names drawing attention to themselves! On and On it Goes. Is it ever going to end???

    South Africa is a wicked nation with innocent Blood on our hands.

    The Revival SA is seeking will be in direct proportion to the extent that the Church of Jesus Christ in SA is prepared to repent.

    I know that the prominent preachers in South Africa love to talk about their REVIVAL meetings, but revival is not something that man can bring about or conjure up.

    Revival is the work of God’s Holy Spirit in response to the prayers of supplication and intercession of the faithful few interceding prayer warriors who are pleading with God for a move of His Holy Spirit to soften the hearts of the nation to convince them of:
    • sin that needs to be repented of so that the people can be saved from their sin and the wrath to come
    • holiness and righteousness that is required from every Child of God so that we can all be the salt and light God requires of us to be, and
    • the judgment that will follow if we are not in a right relationship with God when Jesus returns or when we die.

    Every day hundreds if not thousands of unborn babies are slaughtered and you and I who are part of the Church of Jesus Christ remain silent.

    We (the Church) have voted for the wicked politicians who have made it legal for these daily murders and the shedding of their innocent blood to take place.

    Then we have the cheek to complain, riot and protest against the people whom we have voted for to rule over us and we never give a thought to our contribution to the brutal murder of innocent lives that we have condoned through our choice of political leaders.

    Please consider the following scriptures:
    Isa 59:1 Behold, the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
    Isa 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
    Isa 59:3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.
    Isa 59:4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

    In addition to that I wish to direct your attention to the part your sins and my sins played in the shedding of the innocent blood of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

    Isa 53:5 But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.

    Rom 4:25 Because of our sins he was given over to die, and he was raised to life in order to put us right with God.

    We in the Church of Jesus Christ in SA say we are followers of Jesus even though our behaviour is no different from the sins that are being committed every day by the rest of the world.

    Something is terribly wrong.

    The clever people tell us that between 70 and 90 percent of the nation is Christian, but when the majority of these so called South African Christians pray, they do so via the spirits of the ancestors, the virgin Mary or some other spiritual entity, etc.

    Something is terribly wrong.
    Our Jesus clearly told us that no person comes to the Father but through Him.

    On top of that, we tell people that they are going to heaven or that they are Born Again despite the fact that they have never repented of anything.

    We tell people that they are going to heaven despite the fact that they have never been baptised in water.

    We tell people that they are going to heaven even though they continue to sin just like those who do not claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.

    We tell people that they are children of God despite their behaviour resembling the behaviour of children of the devil.

    Something is terribly wrong!!!

    Unless we, the Church of Jesus Christ in SA, repent from our wicked (twisted) ways God will not heal our land and revival will continue to tarry, no matter what anyone says.

    Our God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will NEVER contradict His HOLY WORD and never is a very, very long time.

  8. Wow! John I am sure there is some truth in what you say but may we not lose sight of what is really happening in South Africa. For years God has been summoning the body of Christ to be united as one in the Spirit of Christ, to gather and to cry out to Him for transformation of our Nation. And today there is such a longing for SA to be a Holy God fearing Nation inspite of our failings. I became aware of the call to unity in 1998 when the Lord spoke to me so clearly.I then saw how the humble business man Graham Power initiated a move that brought not only united prayer to SA but globally. And over the years men and women have risen up to take a lead in encouraging and facillitating these united prayer meetings.Each obeying what they believed God had called them to do. Longing for Revival and more of Him. Today that call to unity is so strong it cannot be ignored, the desire to gather is experienced in the massive meetings that have been held recently in Bloemfontein and now in Cape Town. These leaders are not celebrities but men and women who are obeying the call of God. Yes some are flashier than others and i am sure a few are flakey but what we are seeing today is nt the work of man. Prophetic words are carrying the same message, the gatherings are experiencing the very presence of God and the hunger for more of the Lord in our country is ever growing. May we all do as the Lord directs us, encourage one another and trust Him with the bigger picture. Over the past 20 years the call for us as the body to repent, humble ourselves and desire only God’s perfect will in our Nation has grown louder and louder. May we prod each other on.

  9. My Friend and myself had visions similar to this.

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