
Intel boss and You Version founder joining quest for redemptive AI solutions

Gloo, the leading technology platform dedicated to connecting the faith ecosystem and releasing its collective might, announced its second annual AI & the Church Hackathon from September 13 to15 in Boulder, Colorado. The event is aimed at rapidly advancing artificial intelligence-based technology to help people flourish and organisations thrive. Gloo will award over $250 […]

Kingdom businessman passionate about mobilising generational wealth

Jasper Cloete entrepeneur, business consultant and director of Generational Inheritance Group (aka GIG Institute) is passionate about mobilising people to develop generational wealth and to leave a legacy. In an interview he told Gateway News the story of GIG, which today supports members on their generational-wealth-building journey with ongoing financial […]

Kingdom project wins global award for spring water

The community-based South African aQuellė spring water is the proud winner of a global award for its sports and power drink, ViV, the latest addition to its product line. Winners of the Zenith Global 17th Global Drinks Award was announced on October 20 with Viv winning in the category “Best […]

‘Invest in YOU’ with Noeleen Naidoo and CWBN

To unlock connections, networks and potential for businesswomen and female entrepreneurs, the Christian Women Business Network (CWBN) presents the Invest in YOU business series. The series features industry leaders and influencers of note to share knowledge and strategies towards confidently getting back to successful businesses and careers in Covid19 and […]

US sports company loses millions during pandemic, founders ‘trust God’ and launch new thriving business

Originally published in The Christian Post. Among the many who have been affected by the global pandemic with COVID-19 are Alex and Kelsey Carroll, whose million-dollar sports business, Toss Up Events, went from millions of dollars in signed contracts to zero revenue in one day. The couple decided to trust […]

God knocking on the door of business in 2020s — Patrick Kuwana

By Patrick Kuwana, founder of  Crossover Transformation Group “A season of choosing the voice to follow in business”– Could this be one of Christ’s main messages to the business sphere for the 2020s decade? I believe God’s message to business for the season we have stepped into is clearly articulated […]