
Christian slayings continue in Nigeria as president blames violence on ‘climate change’

By Elizabeth Kendal — Originally published in Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin On August 28 the Christian stronghold of Nunman LGA in Adamawa State was rocked by a Fulani-led political assassination (beheading). Meanwhile, massacres continue in Plateau State and a growing number of Nigerian civic, political and religious leaders are convinced […]

Crossing the Jordan in flood season — Tendai Chitsike

Gateway News columnist Tendai Chitsike shares on the amazing world-impacting “student church” he leads in Grahamstown, and their daunting new challenge of acquiring a church building against unforseen odds. By the grace of God, in the year I arrived to study at Rhodes University in 1997, God used some wonderful […]

‘Hate Speech Bill in danger of being rushed through’

On Tuesday August 28 the latest version of the controversial Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill was published for public comment (, reports Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA). The original draft of the Bill received over 70 000 submissions, with many labelling it “draconian” ( and a “threat […]