
Time for a talk

[notice]The first in a new fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice] “May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalms 19 vs 14 The other day, over a quick cup of coffee during my lunch break, […]

What to do about crime?

[notice]While on a mission trip to Europe, Port Elizabeth pastor, Afrika Mhlophe, reflects on the problem of crime back home.[/notice] The crime statistics are out and looks like the Eastern Cape Province is losing the battle on crime. We now have the dubious dishonour of being the murder capital of […]

God of the nations

    [notice]While on a mission trip to Europe, Port Elizabeth pastor, Afrika Mhlophe, muses on how you, and I and he, fit into God’s purposes for the nations[/notice] In chapter 17 of the book of Acts we encounter Paul looking over the city of Athens and being agitated that […]

Anti-Christian bias is what’s unconstitutional!

The liberal media’s public lynching of Justice Mogoeng was more about the candidate’s Christian viewpoints, than about his suitability for the post of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. Justice Mogoeng existed in relative obscurity until President Zuma nominated him for the post of Chief Justice. Once his Christianity was […]

Perseverance pays off in mall ministry

[notice]Africa Christian Action leader Dr Peter Hammond reports on recent Women’s Day outreaches that took place in Cape Town shopping malls despite initial opposition from mall mangers. As I read his newsletter report I wondered how many times we miss God-ordained opportunities to share the love and truth of Christ […]

The value of Christianity under siege

    I once was attending a conference whose main purpose was to address issues of culture, religion and language. A diverse group from various parts of South Africa got assembled up in Gauteng to come and make and receive input regarding these important and sometimes emotive issues. Over 500 […]