
Are you having a quarter life crisis?

[notice]Revivalist Shannon-Leigh Barry shares her wit and passion and the pursuits of her 20something heart in a new monthly column that speaks to the desires of young adults in today’s Christian society. [/notice] The quarter life crisis can be summed up as the period when an adolescent transitions into adulthood and, […]

Renewing the mind — Part 2

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry. Reflections on weeks 5 and 6 of a 10 weeks teaching stint.[/notice] “May your roots go down deep into the soul of God’s marvellous love; and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and […]

The Syrian powder keg

[notice]What if the US launches a military strike against Syria? How will it impact Christians there? –Originally published in INContext Ministries’ World In Motion, Issue 84.[/notice] As war-cries go, “there are no good options”, leaves something to be desired. But punishing the Syrian regime for the chemical attack on August 21st is […]

Lessons on love

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] I recently became a mom. My son was one month old yesterday. There is nothing that could have prepared me for the reality of being a mother. Although I spent much time in anticipation, reading up on babies, thinking about my baby and […]

Renewing the mind

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry. Reflections on weeks 5 and 6 of a 10 weeks teaching stint.[/notice] This week for me has been all about renewing my mind and allowing the Lord to change my heart towards certain things and people. I have a friend, Musekiwa Samuriwo whom I often chat […]