Prophetic Words

The fall of Haman and his 22m-high “anti-God’s government” strategy — Clementia Pae

It’s always been about the government. After Esther became the queen of Persia, married to King Xerxes, by divine order and orchestration, in Esther 2:22, we see Mordecai discover a plot by Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king’s officers who guarded the doorway, to assassinate the king. Mordecai then […]

LISTEN: Prophetic dream / word for SA — Pray for right leadership for safety now, and in future

Janet Brann-Hollis of SA Back To God alerted Gateway News to a significant prophetic word for South Africa arising from a dream by Dr Irma Croucamp of Streams Ministry. Janet, who is coordinating the Election Fasting and Prayer for SA campaign from April 18 to May 8, summarises the dream and […]

Current outpouring of Spirit ushering-in divine unity, victory for Church — Clementia Pae

A time for attentive listening and submission to the Holy Spirit There is a great and marvellous thing that the Lord is doing on the earth right now. The Lord is pouring His Spirit upon all flesh, and His tangible presence, overshadowing and shift is calling for more attentive listening, […]