Christian teacher burnt and beaten for praying in Christ’s name

Muslim colleagues burned headteacher Yusufu Mwanje in Bugiri town, eastern Uganda, on April 2 (PHOTO: Morning Star News)

Originally published in Christian News

A Christian teacher in Uganda has been burnt and beaten for praying in Christ’s name.

According to Morning Star News, Yusufu Mwanje was taken from his house and dragged inside a mosque by his colleagues at the Islamic primary school where he worked.

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Mwanje had converted to Christianity earlier this year after he heard a businessman who supplied equipment to the school praying to Jesus.

“I wanted to keep my faith in Christ secret and began missing Friday prayers as I attended evening prayers at the church,” Mwanje said.

“Some Muslim teachers noticed my absence and reported to the school management board.”

But on the 1st April, a school colleague overheard Mwanje praying in Christ’s name and recorded him before gathering other school staff to eavesdrop on him.

“As I finished the prayers at 4:45 a.m. and began preparing to go to the mosque to pray, I heard a knock at the door,” Mwanje said. “As I opened the door, there were people outside my door.

“They began shouting, ‘Allah akbar [“Allah is greater”]! Allah akbar! Allah akbar! This is a kafir [infidel], this is kafir…They grabbed me and took me inside the mosque and started beating me badly and accusing me of heading a Muslim school, yet I had converted to Christianity. Others shouted, ‘A liar, a liar, a liar. … He deserves the death penalty.”

Mwanje continued: “I remembered [the supplier] telling me that in times of persecution, I should call on the name of Jesus.

“As I mentioned the name Jesus in a low voice, one attacker said, ‘Azab Azab,’ meaning ‘punishment’ in Arabic.

“Immediately, two Islamic teachers named Ustaz Hamudan and Hashim Sajabbi brought two old jerry cans and lit them with fire and started burning me with them. It was too painful. I fainted,” Mwanje said.

A teacher then intervened and ordered the attackers not to kill Mwanje.

“He instructed some to take me to the school clinic for treatment,” he said. “I then realized that Jesus had come to save me.”

Mwanje is currently in hospital receiving treatment.

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One Comment

  1. God has promised that He will honour those who honour Him, and standing for Christ is honouring God. Let us commend this modern-day Daniel for his faithfulness and courage. Let us pray that all the Muslims in that school find Jesus.

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