Originally published in Premier Christianity News
A US woman who was battling cancer has died 18 hours after she tied the knot from her hospital bed.
Heather Mosher’s vows to Dave Mosher at Saint Francis Hospital in Connecticut were one of her last words on December 22, 2017.
The couple had originally planned their wedding for December 30 2017, but the bride-to-be’s triple-negative breast cancer was proving to be aggressive.
The ceremony in the hospital’s chapel was documented on Instagram by Heather’s best friend and bridesmaid, Christina Karas.
She said she knew those were Heather’s “final moments” and highlighted how God had helped Heather during the stage four cancer journey.

“The amount of strength her mom showed could only be possible because of her unwavering faith in God, despite the certainty she would lose her only daughter on this earth,” she said.
“Her outpouring of selfless love reminded me of Heather’s reaction to tragedy in other’s lives. Heather has shown me this same care when I was in a very dark and hopeless place.
“She learned this language of love from her family and was able to comfort others in this same way.”
Heather was told she had a lump in her breast on 26th December 2016, the same day she got engaged.
The Moshers’ original wedding date turned out to be the day of Heather’s funeral at Plantsville Congregational Church. The church was also where they had planned on having the wedding ceremony.
So sad what a touching story