Christians divided over prophetic word calling ANC leaders to step aside — Tshego Motaung

PHOTO: Kayla Speid /

South Africans have over the past few years been inundated with scandals of so-called “prophets”, who have abused the Scriptures to exploit many gullible and unsuspecting believers.

This has sadly led many Christians to doubt and question anything that has to do with prophecies and the prophetic ministry. And in many ways got Christians to fall into the trap of despising prophecy, something that Apostle Paul warned against.

Last week a  prophetic word was released by Vuyokazi Matu, calling on the ANC leadership to hand over the reigns of power within 10 Days to the one appointed to lead the nation in this season – Chief Justice Mogoeng.

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Vuyokazi sent the message to the president, the speaker and other leaders in the ANC government with the message she says she has received from the Lord. This has received mixed responses from the Christian community, with some saying there is no biblical precedent for such a word, others questioning whether such a word should have been made public, while others wonder if the word is from God at all.

After listening to some of the concerns raised,  I asked myself what would have been the biblical precedent for Moses when God told him to tell Pharaoh to let His people go. Bearing in mind that Moses had been a prince in Egypt, part of Pharaoh’s cabinet and he understood very well that the economy and entire life of Egypt was dependent on the availability of the “free” labour of the Hebrew slaves.  

For  anyone to suggest to Pharaoh to let Israel go was unthinkable. What would Egypt be without slaves? This meant  that Egypt would have to rethink life and restructure its social, economic,  political and legal systems – it was impossible to imagine.

The same can be said when Israel was told that in order to capture the city of Jericho, a group of men, with no weapons had to walk around the city walls. It was known that cities always had watchmen on the walls as a security measure. These watchmen would be armed and ready to defend the city. It is a miracle that the Jews were not killed while marching around Jericho.

The Bible contains a number of examples of how unthinkable and impossible instructions were given to set the stage for God to showcase His power and wisdom through ordinary people.

The word that Vuyokazi has sent out is not a new sentiment. Many have called on the ANC leaders to resign. The nation has been groaning and mourning, and social media is abuzz with daily tweets of South Africans calling the ANC to go,  called #ancvoetsek. I do understand that this may not be known in Christian circles but it is a reality.

The truth is the people of South Africa have been crying and the Church has been silent and when the Church did venture to speak it was diplomatic on matters that required boldness.  

The same goes for the call for the Chief Justice to become president. Many people have tweeted #mogoengforpresident and there are two such groups on Facebook. One of the groups has 5 900 members and its description reads: “We pray for Leadership. We pray that God will encourage our chief justice to take the highest office of the land and that is the Presidency”. Another such group has over 8 000 members’ and a description that reads: “Please Chief Justice, we pray that you will persue (sic) politics and deliver SA from corruption and poverty”.

The biggest challenge to many is how, and when this desired change of leadership might take place and I believe that’s where people are finding Vuyokazi’s word challenging – it is giving a time frame.

After reflecting on the issues raised around this prophetic word I decided to think about it without being deeply spiritual about the matter, and I just couldn’t think of any reason why anyone would have a problem with a request for ANC leaders to step aside.

Current developments
We have a former president who refuses to appear before the Zondo Commission and has defied a Constitutional Court order. Messages coming from his supporters indicate they will not just let this go without a fight. He, Zuma, has on the other hand launched a brutal attack on the judiciary criticising  the court system and saying a “judicial dictatorship” appears to be emerging in the country.

Week after week the nation has been shocked by the revelations of corruption in government and state-owned entities at the Zondo Commission. While others in the ANC want to make former President Zuma appear as the corruption kingpin, they want the nation to forget that they too were in his government, leading together with him.

Whatever happened to the ANC that is led by a collective leadership? Why is it when there are problems they are not able to collectively take responsibility for the mess in the nation and “step aside” as a collective? For President Ramaphosa to say he would step aside if implicated in wrongdoing, while evidence that might implicate him is sealed from public scrutiny, is also an irony.

The current leaders’ talk about 10 wasted years under Zuma as if they were not part of it. Was the current president not deputy president and leader of government business – the same goes for all the ministers?

As for members of parliament – we have seen how they have failed to exercise oversight over the years. If they had, corruption would have been detected and stopped.  We must also not forget how ANC MPs defended President Zuma from being removed by eight motions of no confidence.

The situation of Ace Magashule is another example of the state of dysfunctionality in the ANC. These factional battles are a risk to our national security.

Covid-19 and vaccine scandals
The recent scandals of  stolen Covid-19 relief funds, procurement of PPEs and the procurement of the AstraZeneca vaccine remain a classical example of the rot in the government, and yet there is no one in the leadership of the ANC willing to take responsibility for leadership failure.

I don’t think there is any company that would still keep an employee in the job after messing up with a R100million purchase. I find it amazing that no one has been held to account for this and no action has been taken against some of those implicated.

The government managed to recover the money for these rejected vaccines from the African Union as damage control, to save themselves from criticism at home. But I am also battling to understand how vaccines that were not effective in South Africa and were due to expire in April will be effective in other African nations. Is this not another case of dumping Western countries’ waste on poor African nations? Is this not taking advantage of the fact that they have poor governance systems — especially at a time when countries in Europe have stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine over fears the shot may have caused some recipients to develop blood clots.

While Christians may find themselves divided over Vuyokazi’s word, the writing is on the wall and has been for some time. The ANC government leaders would do well to receive this prophetic counsel and take a collective decision to step aside now. Their factional battles have cost our nation much.

It is not just Ace Magashule or those being investigated for scandals who must step aside —  its time for the ANC as a collective, to acknowledge that they have failed the nation and take a collective decision to step aside.

Views expressed in Gateway News opinion articles are those of the authors and not necessarily of Gateway News.

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  1. Powerful and spirit led Words. We continue to pray, that the same God who broke Pharaoh and the Egyptians, will reveal ?Himself in South Africa ??. People are groaning and moaning, crying ??out to the Almighty God. We continue to declare for a government that fear the living God, Jehovah, and love His people ❤.

    • I agree wholeheartedly. We certainly need the Lord to come through in a miraculous way. We keep praying and trusting God to Heal our nation

  2. Kholofelo
    In times like this we need the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Even in Egypt some Hebrews did not believe Moses until God decided to let them all perish in the desert. It was only the young generation which crossed the Jordan with Joshua to the promised land. As ordinary people we are failing to stand ANC’s rot what about the righteous God ?? We are sick and tired of this government, we need God fearing men and women to lead us on, and people who care for the nation even if they are not Christians. I thank God for Maid servants like Vuyokazi and Apostle Linda. Long live President Mogoeng Mogoeng. May God continue to lead you.

  3. Truth ALWAYS prevail. The corrupt shall fall, that’s been decided as part of God’s righteous character. Thank you for your boldness Vuyo, I know your heart and support your words.

  4. My greatest challenge asa Bible based believer is that, much as there is sound ground for present leadership to step aside, that calling on a singular person with a singular religious view to safe a country, can lead to exactly the type of exclusion we try to not entertain in a democratic rule.
    Christians have a way of dismissing the view points of other faith groups. I know not the chief justice beyond his publicly professed Christian judicial viewpoints.

    Belief me, in Pharaoh’s rule there were good man in the leadership structure to and those remained to pick up the pieces of the poor rule after the exodus of a singular group

  5. What is the record and credibility of the prophet. Psalm 2 shows clealrly who is in control ot the nations.
    As for the calls to premote Mogoeng to President is false. Unfortunately Mogoeng as failed to see that the Biblical administration of Justice is practicrd in our Courts. The wrongful conviction of innocent people, the controversial abd incompent Judge Presidents under him – do just what they please without fear of been disciplined. John Hlope and Ephraim Makgoba
    (Limpopo) are just two examples.
    Kevin de Klerk
    Save our Nation
    God’s Way with God’s Word

  6. God dealt with the world n it messed up till He drowned the lot. He then took a nation israel. They messed up n spent more time scattered n being chased around the world the last 3.5k years.
    Now God sends His son n says GO MAKE DISCIPLES. Now we try to make comfortable countries to live in. Why? So we can forget God like the Israelites did every time it went well in their land. The Lord Jesus answer to people hurting confused scattered like sheep without a shepherd was. …… pray to God to send labourers into the harvest, its white unto harvest.
    All this wanting a good govt is so we can love nice n James calls it “praying amis”. Whatever excuse we may have. The last lot of “christian” rulers the world had took it into the dark ages for nearly 1000 years.
    Let’s do what God said. Preach the Gospel, MAKE DISCIPLES n God will then save them. Stop this unbiblical nonsense of “ask jesus into your heart” n tell them they are now a christian. Let’s get back to biblical salvation n Christianity n dump what I call our Western Cultural Christianity

  7. Thanks Ian. Our home as Believers is in Heaven. We are strangers on earth. WE just have to make disciples (Matt 28:19 (not even establish churches!), lead people to give their lives over to Christ. Satan is the god of this world. and will remain so until his leadership is over as determined by God. This world cannot be improved. Seek the things above (Col. 3:1-3). The signs of the End are appearing: One world government, One world church (Babylon) etc. All governments are under Satan’s control. Not to establish Christian governments. No. Forget the Israel concern! MAKE DISCIPLES. That’s our calling. God open our eyes, to put first things, First!

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