PROPHETIC WORD: ‘God says ANC must hand over leadership to Mogoeng within 10 days’

Vuyokazi Matu

See also an opinion piece by Tshego Motaung that discusses mixed responses to this prophetic word

South African prophetess Vuyokazi Matu sent President Cyril Ramaphosa an email on Monday last week announcing that “the Lord orders the government of the ANC in South Africa within 10 days to hand over leadership of the country to the government of God led by Mogoeng Thomas Reetsang Mogoeng”.

Matu, who has carried an intense prayer burden regarding the state of affairs in South Africa and Africa for some years, also released a weighty word on “the rebirth of South Africa” on March 11 during an online meeting that she called with Christian leaders to share what God had placed on her heart.

In that word she said God had said that in answer to prayer He was rescuing SA, turning the nation towards Israel again, and releasing and appointing His government with Mogoeng chosen to lead SA “out of Babylon”.

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In an interview today Matu said she has never been so tested about releasing a word as she was about the radical message she sent to the president and senior government and political leaders on Monday.

But she says God confirmed the word to her and gave her a peace about releasing it and led her to send the president and the leaders both her March 11 word and Monday’s word, together with a covering letter in which she provided some context to her messages.

In her email to President Ramaphosa she thanked him for his contribution to the nation and explained that the attached words which she had received from the Lord were a heavy burden which she was submitting “to find peace” and “in obedience and fear of the Lord”.

While we were talking on the phone she received an email from the Private Office of the President, acknowledging “with appreciation” receipt of her correspondence.

In her covering letter Matu outlines her spiritual journey since 2017 when she was led to spend extensive daily time in prayer and Scripture concerning SA and Africa.

Discussing her role as one of a number of strategic intercessors and prophetic voices God has been raising in this time, Matu, who is the founder of Voice of Africa Global Media, says it is not a calling that she chose for herself as her passion is “mainly business”.

She writes that God’s hand is now on the healing and restoration of Africa and the change of government in South Africa that she prophesied on March 11 is the manifestation of Africa’s redemptive story.

She says there is no malicious agenda of any man behind her prophetic words.

“God, by his Spirit is responding to the cries of the people in this way. Defending the Land. Ushering in the Leadership of the Holy Spirit, The Government of God. His redemptive plan for mankind. His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven,” she writes.

In her word released last Monday Matu called on local congregations, individuals and prayer networks to participate in 10 days of repentance from March 22 to March 31, with Sunday March 28 designated as a national day of prayer to be led by Intercessors South Africa.

Click here to download the covering letter and both prophetic words

Views expressed in Gateway News opinion articles are those of the authors and not necessarily of Gateway News.

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  1. We thank God and thank the Prophetess for obeing God’s instruction .may the Lord have mercy on us

  2. Counries must be run like a non profit committee. Members of all parties..ouT of all provinces
    and all races men and woman and ages..deciding as committe….how tax money must be used. In a safe bank account not for one ministers house or tribe village. Who take over land mines or farms….just to damage a countries economy …THE LAND BELONG TO ALL SOUTH AFRICANS.

  3. Kenalemang Piliso

    To God be all the honour,glory and adoration.Amen?
    We have always prayed that His will..& His will ALONE be done on Earth as it is in heaven & we thank Him for answering our prayers.
    “Lefatshe ke la Morena,le TSOTLHE tse di Mo go lone”
    Thank you Jesus ??

  4. Kenalemang Piliso

    The Lord is on time!
    Thank you Jesus??


  6. Hugh G Wetmore

    Just last night my wife and I read the scary prophecy of Jeremiah 14,15 where God claims responsibility for sending a drought to punish Israel for her sins. The good prophet Jeremiah tries to pray for Israel, and God order him not to do so (14:11). Jeremiah disobeys God’s command prays fervently for Israel, vicariously confessing the nation’s sins. God sternly rebukes him in Jer 15:1-9 saying that not ever the prayers of saints like Moses and Samuel will stop God’s judgment. Jeremiah is so devastated by this that he wishes he had not been born (v10), and God reassures him promising him personal deliverance from the coming national destruction.. Most Christians, including Mogoeng, would condemn God for not blessing Israel. For cursing Israel instead. I’m perplexed, but I will not say God was wrong.

  7. I’m so tired of these “prophets”. SA doesn’t have enough stones to deal with them all there are so many

  8. Michael Higgs

    Perhaps we should look at this issue in the light of Bible prophecy. I can’t see where the rescuing of South Africa at this stage would fit in. Are we rushing ahead of Armageddon?

  9. 10 days is pretty short time to appointment new leaders and prepare to govern a nation.

  10. This prophecy given by Vuyokazi Matu is one of those that should be ‘stored away forever’ or in the dustbin. We have so many ‘so called’ prophets prophesying wrong things not only to our nation but all over the world, ‘thinking’ their own thoughts and saying ‘God told them’! NO God did not tell you this!!!! These ‘prophets’ bring more harm and damage to the Body of Christ than anything else and instead of drawing people to Jesus, turn people away as they make Christians look stupid and irrational running to our President and bringing a FALSE word! The President must be laughing and rolling all the way to Mogoeng’s office!
    At least Prophet Jeremiah Johnson from the USA had the guts to actually close down his whole ministry and apologize openly to America that he ‘missed it’ as the prophecy was incorrect and confessed they were his own thoughts about ex President Trump.
    We were warned that ‘false prophets’ would arise in the last days and Vuyokazi Matu is one of them!!

  11. Margaret Ferguson

    I am relieved to see a number of people being concerned re the comments of the ‘prophetess’ . A number of issues did not add up biblically for me . I have lived in South Africa for 19 years from UK and one of the things I have noticed is how culture impinges on the comments of Christian ‘prophets’ etc. That is no doubt so in all nations but biblical prophecy and ‘truth’ does not have national boundaries. Here in South Africa we need to have particular concern when a person is promoted as God’s answer to a problem or issue because culturally if would appear to emanate from a tribal leadership mindset and so the follow on sets up a system which has no evidence for it coming to fruition biblically. Some f the things we are hearing are foretold in the bible that there would be false prophecy and false prophets in the last days.

  12. What a lot of nonsense! Another false prophetess.

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