Giveaway Competition: Afrikaans romantic drama ‘Stilte’

Gateway News is giving away two DVD copies of the moving Afrikaans romantic drama, Stilte, that hits South African store shelves on February 11, in time for Valentine’s Day.

Directed by Oscar nominated SA filmmaker Darrell Roodt, it is the heartfelt story of Antoinette (Angelique Pretorius), a singing sensation with the world at her finger tips whose joy is shattered when her parents are taken from her life by ruthless criminals. Her vocal cords are damaged from the attack and she suffers from severe post traumatic stress disorder. In an attempt to help her heal, Antoinette’s aunt (Chante Hinds) and uncle (Chris de Clerq) take her in to their home in the breathtaking Karoo region. It is here that she meets Pieter (Andre Frauenstein), a young pastor who patiently and lovingly coaxes her out of her cocoon.

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Altus Theart plays Antoinette’s overbearing manager who seems to care more about the money she makes than her wellbeing.
In preparing for the lead roles, Pretorius drew from personal experience and PTSD research, while Frauenstein spent two months in the company of a pastor.

Says Pretorius: “Stilte is a film that anyone can relate to, old or young, religious or not, because it’s an inspirational message. It’s a feelgood film because you think that if Antoinette can make it through, anyone can.”

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The story is simple yet relevant when one considers that most people have either been a victim of crime or know someone in their immediate circle who has been affected. The movie dialogue is Afrikaans and there are English subtitles.

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Enter to win the Stilte DVD
To stand a chance of  being one of the two winners of a copy of the Stilte DVD, simply answer the following question: Who plays the leading role of Antoinette in Stilte? Email your answer to or like our facebook page and post your answesr on our wall. Entries close at 20h00 on Tuesday, February 5, 2012. All correct answers will be included in a draw on Wednesday, February 6. (Competition is open to readers in South Africa). The prize is sponsored by Brettian Productions. The DVD can be ordered online at:

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