Global Leadership Summit 2014 — Weekly Update: August, 22



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The Willow Creek Association  2014 Global Leadership Summit will run in South Africa at 11 venues from October 10.

The consistently inspiring two-day leadership training event which is held in 105 countries celebrates its 20th anniversary this year — and its 10th anniversary in South Africa!

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Brian Loritts.
Brian Loritts.



Founder and Lead Pastor, Fellowship Memphis

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Bryan Loritts is named among the top 30 emerging Christian leaders in the US by Outreach Magazine. Passionate about multi-ethnic ministry, Loritts founded Fellowship Memphis in 2003 and ministers in an evolving urban context. In addition to pursuing his Ph. D. at Oxford, he is the author of four books including Right Race/Wrong Culture (2014), serves on the Board of Trustees for Biola University and Memphis Leadership Foundation, and is adjunct professor at Crichton College. With a unique ability to communicate the deep truths of Scripture to a postmodern culture, he speaks to thousands annually at churches, conferences, retreats and through his weekly radio program.

In future weekly GLS 2014 Updates we will introduce each of the speakers individually and keep you updated about the latest GLS news and announcements. Click here for previous updates.

Watch video: Ivan Satyavrata introduction

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 Dates and Venues

* Please note that the Soweto event at Grace Bible Church has been rescheduled to May 2015, we apologize for the inconvenience.


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