Gloriously saved at 70!— Lindy-Ann Hopley

Have you ever had the thought that maybe it’s too late for someone to be saved?

It reminds me of the parable where people had been working in the field all day long. Then there were those who came in at the very last minute, but the owner of the field gave them the same reward as those who had been working in the field for a long time. 

God’s desire is for everyone to receive the reward of eternal life, not because of their works, but because of who He is.

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Sunday morning at Bethel Church, Pastor Bill Johnson made an altar call for anyone who needed to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

He directed them to the Freedom Team at the “Start Here” banner.

Then this sweet little old lady with grey hair, glasses, and a hamburger hoodie made her way forward with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Have you given your life to Jesus before publicly?” I asked her.
“No,” she replied.

And so the story unravelled… 

Kathy has been living in Redding for 28 years and has not once visited a church. This was her first time and oh what a mightily-blessed church she chose and the great anointing pulled her close.

She got saved at 70! Hallelujah!

After leading her in a prayer of confession and repentance and breaking free from the old, I told her about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. She was all in. We prayed again!

Imagine this — you’re 70 years old, haven’t been to church for 28 years at least and now, not only do you get saved, you get filled with the Holy Spirit and on top of that — gold dust manifests all over your hands! 

I would say that is a great place to start! 

She had the biggest smile on her face; tears of joy kept coming as she shared her story with others.

Perhaps you are reading this and you have been wondering: where do I start? Start here.

No matter how old or how young you are, no matter what happened today, yesterday or is going to happen tomorrow — this is the place to start. What matters is what happened on the cross. It is finished.

This is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 3:2).

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” — Romans‬ ‭10:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Pray and believe this very moment wherever you are. 

Start Here. Start now. 

And if you invited Jesus into your life today, I would love to hear from you and connect you to resources that can assist you in your journey moving forward. Visit and click on “Jesus”. We want to hear from you!

Hallelujah, all the angels rejoice! 

You are a beautiful witness!

Love & Fire, 
Lindy-Ann Hopley

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