The key to success — Lindy-Ann Hopley

I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”‭‭– Isaiah‬ ‭22:22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

It’s a new month and I am so excited to encourage and stir up your faith for the doors God is opening for you and closing for your good – all for the greatest mission of REVIVAL in us and through us!

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Did you know that when a breakthrough is shared or a testimony is released about God’s goodness and miracle working power – then you get to grab hold of it for your own life. “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” — Bible.

That’s why sharing a testimony is a beautiful witness on so many levels!

I was sitting in my bed in Redding, Calfiornia, the most Western state of America. “To go or not to go?”, running through my mind. Because the “We Stand America” conference was happening an eight and a half hour flight away at the southern border of Texas in a small town called McAllen and the flight wasn’t cheap either.

The conference had everything from politicians and police officers to pastors and preachers on stage — exposing illegal and atrocious activities at the Mexican border fuelled by an evil agenda of the current administration’s open border policy that the mainstream media has brushed under the carpet of it’s ever-illusive lies, gaslighting and propoganda. The open border policy has nothing to do with loving thy neighbour, unfortunately. It is a cartel highway for drugs and sex trafficking.

I was thinking: “Let me text my friend Christie Hutcherson, the organiser, concerning coming over. My question to her: ‘Will I be a speaker?’ because this ‘justifies’ me making the trip and spending the money on the travel.  Otherwise me going will be useless…right?”

Nope. God stopped me from sending that message right there. “Did you forget how I have used you for mighty exploits with no invitation from man, no mic, no stage, no title, just you and Me? 2011 in Washington DC when I had you pray against the Freemason stronghold in front of the Washington Monument and you weren’t even a ‘preacher’ yet? The next day there was an earthquake which caused a crack not just at the top of the obelisk for all to see, but even in the foundations?” 

“Yes Lord,” I replied, head down. 

“When did you start asking people about going somewhere instead of asking Me?” He asked. Mic-drop (excuse the pun) and so did my heart. A firm nudge to redirect His daughter in the right direction. That’s what a good Father does.

I apologised, changed my way and asked God if He wants me to go and then did a Bible-flip. The Bible opened in Joshua 18 and my eye landed on verse 20 b : “This was the southern border.” In one of my favourite lines : “You can’t make this stuff up!”

Obedience is success. 

It ended up taking 28 hours total to get there just one way! An expensive flight and missing half of the first day of a day-and-a-half event. But I was at peace. The peace of God, not man. 

I knew if I obeyed this was success. Even if it’s just to pray by myself over the territory and the principalities of darkness. 

Day one was in the arena. At the very end, to my surprise, I was asked : “Will you make the altar call?” 

I could have cried. Nothing is a greater privilege. Nothing beats raising the dead in an altar call for salvation and healing. Oh, this is what I live for!

Just when I said have the mic, He gave it back. God is a jealous God. He is always to be our first love. 

The next day we all went to the border to pray. Without prior notice Christie shouts : “I want my friends to pray” and calls my name and another powerful woman of God out. 

This time, not praying by myself, but with an army of God’s saints. It was powerful! 

Watch this clip and agree with me!

My friends, I want to encourage you with this. Sometimes what looks like rejection is really God’s protection. His number one call for us will always be LOVE. Loving God and loving ourselves, as we love others.

Let Him love you and say yes to Him. His yes is all you need for success. Therein lies the key. He wants your worship. The key of David is a heart of worship to God, a laid-down lover that produces great and mighty exploits with God!

2022 it is your year to walk through the doors God has set aside for you!

I bless you with Him and His love for you.

♥️ Lindy-Ann

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