Government releases encouraging document on family

Defending family, faith and freedom

The release of the National Family Policy is the most encouraging policy document to emanate from government. The family is finally recognised as a critical component of society’s success.

Although the policy document is long overdue, I am grateful that this ancient and most fundamental of social institutions is finally receiving the attention and recognition it deserves.

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Family Policy Institute was founded with the objective of making the family the central focus of government’s social policy development. I am therefore greatly encouraged by the proposals set out in the Green Paper. Promoting and strengthening family life is a noble and necessary objective.

The family is undoubtedly in crisis in SA for a many complex reasons. However, the primary reason for family breakdown is the rapid erosion of the value system that sustains the family.

The Biblical Christian Worldview is the only foundation that ensures a strong, healthy and prosperous family. The godless ideology of secular humanism has proved to be the enemy of the family, and of society as a whole. This morally bankrupt ideology has wreaked havoc in SA.

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The promotion of wickedness under the guise of “human rights” and “freedoms” has weakened the traditional moral structure of the family causing it to fracture and disintegrate.

The social acceptance of abortion-on-demand, homosexuality, pornography, prostitution, no-fault divorce and celebrity worship – who are mostly appalling role models – has devastated the family!

The humanist’s anti-family agenda is probably the single greatest threat to South Africa’s future.

The “National Family Policy” presents churches, family ministries and ordinary Christians with a significant opportunity to promote and re-establish the family as a pillar of society.

Government will soon be inviting public comment. You and I must submit our Biblical views on this vital policy document. The family must once again occupy its central place in society.

The “National Family Policy” could be the vehicle we need to reverse many of the destructive policies that undermine the family. The restoration of SA depends on the health of the family!

FPI Out & About

It was an honour to address more than two hundred men about our efforts to defend the family at a Catholic Men’s Conference in ohannesburg on September 3. My message was well received.

It is always a great privilege to preach at my home Church – His People in Tokai. I preached a message entitled “Counterfeit Christianity” on September for which I received a remarkable response.

On Sept ember 21 FPI and its partners in the fight against human trafficking staged an anti-trafficking demonstration at the gates of Parliament. The protest was a great success!

FPI In the Media
Times Live included my comments on the National Family Policy “Recipe for happy SA

The Anti-Trafficking Demonstration received widespread media coverage. We appeared on the front page of the New Age newspaper on September 22nd on page 5 of the Cape Times. As a result of information I shared with Cape Times reporter, Zara Nicholson at the protest, two articles appeared in the paper that exposed the abuse inherent in the sex industry in Cape Town.
My sex trade hell began with job search and  “Saved by hawks from depths of hell”.

My article State must step in to stop trafficking was published in the Cape Argus on September 26.

I also conducted several radio interviews on various issues too numerous to mention.

Thank You!

From my perspective, there appear to be many encouraging opportunities to promote Biblical values in SA. As I reported in earlier updates, there is real progress towards formulating legislation that will remove pornography from our airwaves and from the Internet.

Government appears to have got the message that the Anti-Trafficking Bill is urgent. I received a letter from the Justice Minister that my request is receiving his attention.

I will be speaking at the Oudtshoorn Christusfees on 8 – 9 OctOBER. God is moving in many significant ways in our nation. While the secular media preaches gloom and doom – God reminds you and me that we are a people of hope. The Church has the power and authority to transform this nation.

Thank you for standing with me and for your loyal partnership in this vital ministry.


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