Groot trek to Mighty Men Kalahari begins

Glorious clouds framed by the open air stage which has been readied for the second MMC Kalahari from November 9 to 11, 2012.

Next week men from all corners of South Africa will make their groot trek to the hot, dry plains of the Kalahari where they anticipate an encounter with Jesus Christ at the second Mighty Men Kalahari.

The MMC Kalahari officially runs from Friday November 9 to Sunday November 11 but men are welcome to arrive at the campsite at Tosca from Monday November 5, and to stay on for a few days afterwards — at no extra cost — says co-host Juan van Tonder.

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For many visitors it will be a long journey to the campsite on the farm Grasbank, about 170km north of Vryburg and about 50km from the Botswana border post, and so it makes sense to enjoy an extended Kalahari breakaway, and perhaps even do some hunting in the area after the MMC, he says.

A choice campsite.

Men should also come ready to braai. There is an abundance of Kalahari doringhout for braaiing and if guys have space in their vehicles afterwards they are welcome to take some home. Meat and cooldrinks and takeaways will be on sale at food stalls during the camp.

Johnny Louw and Dawie Spies of Manne Van Die Woord will minister the word during the weekend and Dewald Gouws and Dudley Mans will lead worship. The permanent stage built by farm owner Jan Fourie has been extended to cater for ministry and a big tent that is used in missionary outreaches will be in place for those who want to continue worshiping at the end of the official morning and evening sessions. The Sunday morning session will be open to women and children.

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The semi desert Kalahari with its huge, widespread farms is a kind of last frontier of old ways in South Africa, says Van Tonder. Farmers are expected to be tough and hard and workers are expected to know their place. But he says there is already evidence of big changes taking place in the hearts of local men as a result of last year’s MMC which was attended by a few thousand men from near and far. The vision to hold the MMC in the Kalahari and to use it to change the community was birthed in the hearts of various men last year. More information about the event is available on the MMC Kalahari website and facebook page. Online bookings can be made here.

MMC Kalahari 2011.

One Comment

  1. Glory to God !! Well done manne!

    Die begin van ‘n nuwe Suid Afrika.

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