How should Christians vote?

saelections2014[notice]With the May 7 Election day approaching, various commentators are offering their personal views on how Christians should vote. Here are some opinions sent to us this week — and some thoughts from Gateway News columnist Afrika Mhlophe and editor, Andre Viljoen. We have also listed links to previous articles on this hot topic.[/notice]


Latest Opinions:

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Vote for an unashamedly Christian party — by Angus Buchan — farmer, evangelist, writer for Jesus
The just shall live/vote by faith by Errol Naidoo — Director Family Policy Institute
– Why I will be voting ACDP at this Election by Cheryllyn Dudley — ACDP MP
SA Elections: Guidance on voting by Alexander Venter — Vineyard pastor and author
Our responsibilities as Christian voters by Graeme Preston — Attorney and Elder at The Storehouse, New Covenant Church
The Church and politics by Afrika Mhlophe, Pastor, author and columnist
Your vote for a small party is not a waste! by Andre Viljoen — Editor, Gateway News

Other recently published opinions:
– Think about the cross of Christ when you put your cross on that piece of paper by Michael Cassidy, evangelist, author and Christian leader
– I’ve changed by vote in this upcoming election by Nikki Venter — attorney and blogger

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Vote for unashamedly Christian party — Angus Buchan

By Angus Buchan — farmer, evangelist, writer for Jesus

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Writing in his blog, South African farmer evangelist Angus Buchan, calls on Christians to stand up an be counted at the polls tomorrow.

…Read the full article


The just shall live/vote by faith


By Errol Naidoo — Director Family Policy Institute

Please tune into “Watchmen on the Wall” on TBN Africa on Tuesday May 6 at 8pm for the repeat of our ‘Pre-Election Special’ with African Enterprise Founder and International Leader, Michael Cassidy.

Read the full article


Why I will be voting ACDP at this Election


By Cheryllyn Dudley — ACDP MP

I will be voting ACDP at this election! Now, that may seem obvious to you – self interest is a great motivation – I have a well paid job depending on that vote – although the reality is I have had other offers that could have trumped what I have at present – but the self interest does not stop there – I have concluded that it is in my, and my family’s best interests to do all I can to see the ACDP succeed. I am convinced that the ACDP has the best chance of producing the kind of leaders I would like to see leading South Africa and has the best chance of being a genuinely pro-people party defending our freedoms and taking seriously our responsibilities.

…Read the full article


2014 SA Elections: Guidance on voting
Alexander Venter

By Alexander Venter — Vineyard pastor and author 

This year we celebrate 20 years of South Africa’s (SA) democracy. Remember the miracle of the 1994 elections? We go to the polls again on 7 May 2014. How should the church relate to the government – the ruling ANC party – at this time? How should we vote? 

Historically there have been three general approaches to the Church/State relationship:

  1. Kingdom of God approach: Separation of Church and State; a critical partnership meaning constructive support on matters for the good of society and critical resistance on matters harmful to society (when Kingdom values and ethics are violated).

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Our responsibilities as Christian voters
Graeme Preston.
Graeme Preston.

By Graeme Preston — Attorney and Elder at The Storehouse — New Covenant Church

As 7 May 2014 approaches many South African’s are gearing up to cast their vote, some have spent hours agonising over this decision, others may simply decide based on how they feel on the day.

So how should Christians vote, if indeed they should? Is there any biblical and or moral obligation on Christians to vote in a certain way? As Christians we all desire a better Country and feel a Godly obligation to make it so. As an attorney and a Christian I wish to give some insight into our responsibilities as Christians and hopefully “clear the air” in some respects.

As I have discussed matters with fellow Christians I have observed a fundamental lack of understanding in respect of how our country is governed, resulting in decisions based on incorrect assumptions. It is impossible to make an informed decision unless you understand the following concepts on a basic level:

…..Read the full article


The Church and politics
Afrika Mhlophe, chairman of board
Afrika Mhlophe.

By Afrika Mhlophe — Pastor, author and columnist

Thank goodness we have cleared the hurdle and answered the question of whether or not the Church should be involved in politics. For most of us there is consensus that indeed the Church should be involved in politics but the question is how. Do we become active in politics to a point of running for political office and/or forming Christian political parties? Is a Christian political party something legitimate seeing that other parties also have Christians serving in them?

The general elections to be held on May 7, 2014 are probably the most contentious since the advent of democracy and there are divisions that are also beginning to show in the Church. These became evident after the release of the Public Protector’s report into security upgrades in the President’s private residence. There are sections of the Church who surprised many of us by maligning the Public Protector and accusing her of reversing the gains of democracy. 

…..Read the full article 

Your vote for a small party is not a waste!
Andre Viljoen, Editor
Andre Viljoen

By Andre Viljoen — Editor, Gateway News

It is not uncommon to hear Christian voters say that while they admire the Christian and family values of a certain party they will not vote for it because it is too small to make a difference. They will rather vote for a strong opposition — or perhaps even for a strong Government — depending on their views.

This line of thinking is not as valid as it may sound when you consider our proportional representation electoral system which gives minority parties an opportunity
to have a voice in Parliament

…..Read the full article




  1. Pingback: How should Christians vote? - United News Watch

  2. Allan Verreynne

    I love this open debate about the upcoming elections – healthy, honest, robust – makes one think more deeply! Thanks guys! Much appreciated!

    The South African Biblical Issues Voters’ Guide aims to inform Christians about how the different political parties have voted on legislation that affects pro-life, pro-family, and free enterprise issues.

    The 2014 Voters’ Guide is downloadable from in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu.
    “Select capable men from all the people – men who fear God; trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain – and appoint them as officials…” Exodus 18:21

  4. The Holy Bible does not mention that we as True Christians must Vote for a Human man or woman to Rule this planet. Jesus Christ will come to rule someday, and He will gain the Victory and destroy the governments of this world.

  5. Brother Africa, i just say to (so called Christians) in other parties…
    Do not folk yourself with an unbeliever, or in situations, or places…that wrong doing is taking place (and you know what i mean).

    A truth Christian (child of God) lives and does Christ alone. Period.

    You could say but it is good for a Christian to be in a worldly party…that Christian could help or change the party.

    Well…you can help or change those that do not want to be helped or that do not want to be changed. So get out of the party.

    You know that the percentage of Christians in each country are in the 80’s and 90’s. Like Evangelist Nathan Morris said, “Something’s wrong”.

    If these percentage’s where 100% correct…then we would have nothing of what we have today…crimes, poor health care. But we do…so something’s wrong.

    Everyone says, I’m a Christian, cause they know the name Jesus, and do not choose other faiths, or they do not want to dance with the devil. They do not say i am Christian cause they gave themselves to Christ. And you know that brother.

    So…with that said…there are NO FROMChristians in other political parties. Yes

  6. Oops. The last sentence was meant to read as, ‘So…with that said…there are NO Christians in other political parties. Yes

  7. Sociopolitical Issues
    Prof Johan Malan – Bibleguidance –
    Dr Peter Hammond – Africa Christian Action:-
    Dr Peter Hammond – Frontline Fellowship:-
    Ms Dorothea Scarborough – Gospel Defence League:-
    Applying the Scriptures to Every Sphere of Life and Thought – Promoting the Biblical and Christian Worldview –
    Coalition on Revival – Reform 500 FIRE – Manual –

  8. Responding to the article by Andre Viljoen, I think not just the size of the party but the size of the voice. The greater public needs to hear and see more of what they are doing to build the nation. I think a bolder presence in the public eye would help build voter confidence and win more votes.

  9. P.T. Tshenase

    I love this Christian newsletter. Keep up the good work.

  10. I appreciate the very thoughtful and insightful article from Elder Graeme Preston. I will commend it to our fellowship.

    • Andrew Selley

      Hi Jack. I ask you to please read my response to said article-before you proceed. I fear the article is not always representing the facts properly.Love in Christ. andrew

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