Impactful ‘Anglicans Ablaze’ conference in Lesotho

By Canon Matiisetso Libetso, chairman Anglicans Ablaze organising committee

Anglicans from across Lesotho and from South Africa last month attended an Anglicans Ablaze Conference at the Anglican Cathedral of St Mary and St James in Maseru.

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It was the second Anglicans Ablaze Conference hosted by the Anglican Diocese of Lesotho and the theme of the gathering from October 18 to 20 was “Living a Jesus-Shaped Life”.

Anglicans Ablaze is a revival conference aimed at equipping the church to achieve healthy growth and to make disciples of Christ who can engage effectively in the mission and evangelism of the church.

Keynote speakers at the two-day conference were Afrika Mhlophe, a Bible teacher and author from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Rev Mukululi Ncube, national director of the Eswatini Fellowship of Evangelicals (ESWAFES) from Mbabane, eSwatini and Rev Matsietso Duma, one of the pioneering women priests in the Anglican Diocese of Lesotho, who is based at St. Agnes Parish in Berea district in the north of the country.

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Mhlophe touched on two key topics: “The challenges of being shaped like Jesus” and “The mission of a Jesus-Shaped Christian”. He spoke strongly about loosening ourselves from the chains of our culture and choosing Christianity over culture; and living and speaking the Word of God Daily in our lives.

He said: “We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and there is a call of God on our lives irrespective of our different cultures, gender or race. Your purpose is what you were born for, but your culture is what you were born into!”

Ncube gave a motivational talk on: “The need for revival” and “A Jesus-shaped life in my context”. He spoke about the urgent need for revival in our church because we have become a hidden church, a compromised church and a powerless church. He urged attended to go show themselves to the world and not waver.

He urged listeners to carry the cross daily and call others to a Jesus-Shaped Life. How? By lifestyle proclamation — letting them see the way we live and verbal proclamation — letting them hear the message about Jesus!

Duma urged the conference-goers to make the right choice — by choosing Jesus over the world. She spoke on “A Jesus-shaped disciple”.

“Choose the church over the mall,” she said. She asked: “How many of us can spend hours at the mall but cannot spend even an hour in church to praise God?” How many of us look forward to meeting friends at the mall but say they can’t go to church because it is boring?” How many of us can spend literally thousands of maloti (local currency) in the mall yet will grumble and complain if asked to make a pledge in church?” she asked.

The Conference had a strong impact on Lesotho Anglicans and the Anglicans Ablaze organising committee intends to “continue nurturing the seed that has already been planted so that the Word of God is planted forever in all of us.”

Comments from conference participants included:

“With me the experience was mind-blowing, all the singing and the movement of the Spirit was wow!”

“I learnt that our prayer book has always required us to repent and be born again, that I can use prayers to rebirth me daily.”

“It was so interesting to know that we can be born again within the Anglican Church.”

“It was so interesting to realise that I did receive Jesus and made a confession a long time ago that I am born- again in the Anglican Church.”

“The whole event felt like an awakening of the inner spirit and a drive to learn more.”

“Sunday was the best, the Holy Spirit was moving throughout the building.”


  1. Nkwateleng Mamolemo Mohau

    Indeed this event felt like an awakening of the inner spirit and a drive to learn more. Rev. Ncube said “Living a Jesus shaped Life” means:
    -Dieing to self and becoming more and more to Jesus (Matt. 16:24-26).
    -Inviting others to Christ thus telling/sharing the Good News. “The Good News must be shared and the gospel is the Good News” (John 1:35-57)
    -Living in Jesus Community. This means becoming part of the community, becoming part of Jesus shared life by doing what Jesus did thus loving, caring and being accountable. “Look around and identify needs” he stressed.
    Attending this event really awakened my inner spirit and deepened my understanding of the Great Commission. ‘Living a Jesus Shaped Life’ Wow what a theme!

  2. This is Good News!! Compare this article with the previous one about the Methodists endorsing boycotts of Israel. That article made no mention of the Gospel and of Jesus Christ. This one was full of both!! Thank you for such an inspiring article, full of rich wisdom from the Spirit of God. May the Anglican Ablaze movement spread like wild-fire across South Africa, even infiltrating the political divisions that divide the church over Israeli-Palestinian issues!

  3. Amen to that message Hugh. Jesus is the Hope of the Nation, the Hope of the World. May we all in our way share the God News and strengthen and encourage one another.

  4. Sorry Good News

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