Jesus take the wheel: Namibia Edition: Week 6 — Julita Kok

Jesus take the wheel SA series  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

I am writing to you from the Etosha Nature Reserve. I am at the Okaukuejo waterhole with hundreds of Springbok and Rooibok in front of me at this very moment with hundreds of vultures circling. How awesome is this!!!

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Etosha Nature Reserve

Namibia is truly a magnificent country and I am enjoying nature especially. And the people of course, are truly an experience. The people are different in each region. Do not ask me how, but they are. I have met so many people and I have stayed in 5-star accommodation to absolutely bare, stripped only the basics. I have been bitten by nearly every mosquito in Namibia it feels and have brushed teeth with hundreds of bugs joining me to see what the light is all about. The moment you put on a light at night, even the smallest of lights, the bugs overwhelm you. I slept with them in my bed, had them in my mouth, my hair and my car. I look like one big mosquito bite. So many of them and they are huge. I have also shared many a room with geckos the size of a big man’s hand. And I am so used to the dirt roads now, they do not bother me anymore.

Here on the farms in Namibia, if you say you are going to visit the neighbour, you travel for 60 to 90 minutes to get to the next guy. This is truly exhausting to me as the farm roads are only made for 4×4’s. I have had a few experiences on these roads that beat any 4×4 dune rally. Many a time I thought we would capsize, but the farmers know their roads and vehicles.

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Bakkie adventures

I have travelled more than 5 000km at this stage and am at the last bit going north before I start my way down south again. I have been on the road now for five weeks and my legs feel it. Keeping water back at this stage. My body is totally deurmekaar with all the different foods all the time. I have only had beef here once, chicken twice, skaap more or less seven times and the rest was springbok, kudu, gemsbok and rooibok. They make the most amazing steaks and schnitzels and pies from the game and when the meat is finished, mamma says to pappa…. please go shoot us some meat!!! This is an amazing life on the farms. Hard life, but sooooo different to the cities.

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The rain is still following me. Just because He said it would. And that is truly amazing to me and to people who experience it. God is so real to them when this happens.

In Kamanjab, very north up in Namibia, it has been extremely dry, but with the rains, it now looks absolutely beautiful. There are farmers there with no livestock left anymore. They burn their bushes to provide coal to the charcoal factories to just keep their heads above water. And Kamanjab is lion country. Real lions. One of the farmers I stayed with was attacked by one and escaped with his life only to show the scars. Lions are are a real problem in these areas, as are the elephants, but the farmers here are not afraid. They have huge respect for the animals, but just imagine a troop of elephants — 65 or more — trampling through your land!! Not much is left of your fences after that and the fences being down, become an opening for the lions to come in and feast on your livestock. Hectic challenges. And the jackals, baboons, vultures and eagles all join in. I thought that I had never seen the night sky as beautiful as in the Kalahari, but in Kamanjab, it felt as if I was part of the galaxy. Never seen anything like it. Milllions and millions of stars so clear and so close, it feels as if you can touch them .

The wilds

But God has been busy. I think the biggest thing I do is to bring hope. When I arrive at a place, gloom and depression is obvious. When I leave, there is an expectancy in the air. And this is important and when God then sends the rain, the people truly feel He has not forgotten them.

I have had sessions with so many broken people. People who lost their children in freak accidents, husbands or wives; people who tried to commit suicide and one who blew half of his face away; a man who shot his friend by accident and just so many different things. I met so many people who were adopted as babies and a few others who struggle with so many issues from the past.

And then there is the religious spirit. Boy oh boy, have I been attacked by it head-on a few times, but the last one was the worst. Love is the weapon I use against this spirit and so far, God has been right there alongside me. Never once have I felt left alone to handle these things. I have so many testimonies. One of the farmers I visited stopped believing. The drought is just too long. When I sat down with him in his farmhouse, suddenly a flush of rain just came from the sky with such a mighty force, only on his house and gardens. A huge big, dark cloud was over his house and the rain just suddenly poured down. Five minutes before, there was nothing. This man cried and cried because we all knew this was God. He works in such awesome ways.


So now I am at Etosha for just three days to recuperate and be still to hear what the road ahead looks like for the next few weeks and it seems to be quite exciting also. I am on such an adventure again and so thankful to be able to do this. God has been providing in the most amazing ways and I just realise once again…. we have to be still and know He is God. In that lies my trust. That He is God and He knows everything. All things are possible and I experience His overwhelming “Godness” here in Namibia.

Till next week in Tsumeb, have a wonderful, intimate time with our God.

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