Jesus take the wheel SA series Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Oh my word!!! I have no idea where to even start with what God has been using me for here in Windhoek. I am in awe of Him. I tell my different stories to people and by doing that, God opens up.
So many things!! I think this is what Jesus did. He sat with people and He told them stories and He listened. And this is such a simple way of coming together in Him. Nothing big. Nothing shaking the earth. Just truth. And yet, it shakes the hearts of the people.

I have been taken up high mountains to pray over the nation. Walking for an hour or more to get there and then God releases joy like never before.
A few years ago I asked God what the mandate in heaven is at that moment and He answered me “AFRICA”. And I asked Him why Africa? “Because Africa knows how to praise” He said.
At the time I did not fully understand, but where we are in time now, I KNOW that praise is the weapon of our time. The Word says, put on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness and lift up your voice to God. Praise makes depression and hopelessness flee like nothing else. And the world is in a place of hopelessness, not seeing a way of going forward, depressed and not wanting to live like this anymore.
Corruption, lawlessness, all the many voices. All things that press you down. But praise lifts all of this. And praise is not singing praise songs….. praise is a condition of the heart!!! To live in continuous praise comes from the heart. It might overflow into song or dancing or something, but it comes from the heart. And this is a weapon that anybody and everybody can use. It costs nothing, you do not need a skillset, it is available at any time and you can use it freely. And Africa does this naturally. Africa is a weapon in God’s hand at this time because Africa knows how to praise. It is going to bring down strongholds without prophetic actions, but only by praising from the heart, will strongholds crumble. Effortless because God is doing it through praise.
I soooo loved it when the song Jerusalema took the world by storm. Everybody was dancing and everybody smiled when they watched all the different videos from around the world. Everybody danced. Believers and non believers and they called out …. JERUSALEMA!!! Do you get the significance of this!!! And it came from Africa!!! Afirca knows how to praise!!!
So I have been stirring the hearts here in Namibia to start praising; not to only sing….. but to live a continuous life of praise in these times. It is a free weapon. I am soooo excited to see what God will do with all this praise.
On the side I want to tell you two stories of what happened to me during my stay in Windhoek.
I spoke at a meeting of 30 people — all farmers — and a lady came to me afterwards and shared the following.
She was invited to the meeting but knew nothing about me so she prayed and asked God if she should attend. But no answer from God. One morning she realised that she had a mouse in her cupboard and she started cleaning out, but no Mr Mouse. There was a box full of old magazines in the cupboard and she thought that this might be where the mouse was hiding out. She lifted the box and a magazine fell out with my name and face on the cover. A magazine from 2016. Heehhehe. God works in mysterious ways. She knew she had to attend my meeting and both she and her husband were truly touched by what I had to say.

I also want to share about Ouma Geraldine — remember, the “woman who swallowed the Bible” — and me. When I was there with her –on my second day — she told me about the strategy God gave her for what we were to do. And she said to seal it all up, we were to sing a very specific song. She started singing this song and you could blow me over with a feather.
When I crossed the border from SA into Namibia, I spontaneously just started to sing this song I have not sang in a long time. I just started singing over Namibia. I was taught this song by Ruth Heflin 30 years ago. It was her song that she sang over the nations.
I spent just two weeks with Ruth but she had the greatest impact on my life ever. Nobody influenced my life like Ruth did. So, when Ouma sang this exact song (not a famous or well-known song) I could not believe what I heard. I asked her how she knows it and she answered me that 30 years ago she met a lady called Ruth Heflin and Ruth taught her this song to sing over the nations. And here God comes and confirms ouma and my assignment by a song both of us learned 30 years ago. What a God!!! He even went before us with this detail.
This morning we went up a mountain to pray and I sang the song over Namibia from the mountain top and someone recorded me. I want to share this recording and ask you…. sing this song over the nations or your nation or the nation God puts in your heart. It simply says this…..”I ask for the nations, I call them by name; I present them to the Father, In Jesus name.”
What an absolute privilege to stand in the gap for a nation and present her to the Father and put her before His throne. Such a honour!!!
I will be leaving Windhoek this morning travelling to Gobabis and Buitepos, the eastern gate of Namibia, on the border with Botswana. So pray for me please. There is work to be done.
Stay blessed. He is a good, good God.
Julita, is fulfilling the calling of God. It is special each week to read of His goodness and grace. I just love this insight: ‘Africa is a weapon in God’s hand at this time because Africa knows how to praise.” Let all Africa praise the Lord!