Let’s use what we have for the sake of the Great Commission!

[notice]A monthly Christian sport column by Cobus Kruger, a professional triathlete who is passionate about evangelism, leadership and community development through sport.[/notice]

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Go and make disciples….. 

“18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15)

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The Cycle to Transform team from Campus Crusade for Christ cycled through a string of small towns from March 21 until April 3, preaching the Gospel through means of Jesus films, sports ministry and making disciples of Jesus whereever they went. The towns that they cycled through to shine the love and light of Jesus were: Magaliesburg, Koster, Lichtenburg, Ottosdal, Wolmaranstad, Bloemhof, Christiana, Warrenton, Barkley West, Griekwastad, Prieska, Britstown, Vosburg, Carnavon, Williston, Calvinia, Sutherland, Fraserburg, Loxton, Victoria West, and they ended in Pretoria again.   

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Gateway News columnist and sports missionary Cobus Kruger dancing with his wife, Philna. They will be competing in top sports events in the Western Cape over the next fortnight and aim to use the opportunity to pursue the Great Commission of Jesus to preach the Gospel and make disciples.

A few years ago the Lord called a group of us to start this cycle tour for the sake of His Kingdom and the Gospel. Over the last few years the core focus of the tour was evangelism, training and disciple making along a route from Johannesburg through the Free State and Karoo to Cape town, where the cyclists ended their 1600 km of cycling and ministering by participating in the Cape Town Cycle Tour (formerly Argus Cycle Tour). However, this year the Lord led the group to adopt the new route. So, over recent years the Lord used many faithful men and women involved in this cycling ministry to play a part in His movement of disciple making and Kingdom growth. Were there mistakes made? For sure, but all of us involved learned from every mistake and we could see God doing His mighty work through our weaknesses and our strengths. The reason that I mention this ministry and movement is to explain how we can use what we have to fulfil the Great Commission of God — and so that we as believers can pray for the fruit of these Cycle to Transform tours. There is another Cycle to transform tour that starts soon in Malawi. Let’s keep these movements in our prayers just as Paul instructs:

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18)

You see, Jesus gave the Great Commission to all His believers!!!  We as His believers should be obedient to go and preach the Gospel, as we read in Mark 16:15, and make disciples as we read in Matthew 28:18-20. This we should do in all that we do.

About 18 years ago, when God called me into ministry, he said to me that I should use what I have and preach the Gospel. What does “use what you have” mean?…  Well in my 18 years of walking in this calling it still means use what you have… so if I have a bicycle, running shoes, talent in sport, business, music, membership at a gym, connection with people at my kids’ sports day, I use it all to preach the Gospel. Likewise the Cycle to Transform group simply used there cycling tour to preach the Gospel and make disciples. I travel quite a bit with teams to different countries, and just by using what I have on these trips I get to see the Glory of God break through into people’s hearts with the truth of the Gospel nearly everywhere I go. We don’t need a church programme, or building to do the Great Commission. We need to love God with all out heart, to have an intimate and true relationship with Him, and use what we have to preach the Gospel and to disciple people.

Using what you have to share the Good News can mean using your car as Cobus Kruger shows here.

Let’s take on the Great Commission of God during this month and use every little thing we have for the sake of the Kingdom. Do you think you can do that?

Let’s see what God promises
As soon as we start to walk in God’s Great Commission we will see how He will break through in our daily walk of life. God will always play His part in this partnership and calling.  He sends us, so we operate under His Authority in this Great Commission. Let’s see what God promises us if we use what we have, to preach the Gospel, and make disciples in our daily walk….

“16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” (Mark 16:16-20)

The Glory and the supernatural will follow for the sake of His Kingdom if we use what we have and are obedient in our daily Great Commission walk.

My wife, Philna Kruger competes in the 200 m sprint race at the Senior Athletics Championships this weekend in Stellenbosch. I compete at the World Triathlon series race the weekend after in Cape Town. Please pray for us for this period of time. Our aim is to use what we have to preach the Gospel, and make disciples around the sporting arena while we spend time with some of the high flyers in the Sports world. We need the prayers of the Body of Christ in this ministry.

Let’s be bold, make a stand, and be obedient to God’s Great Commission during this month, and see how God’s Kingdom will grow in front of our very eyes. All to the Glory of Jesus!!!!!

My Program Generator (MPG) fitness training with Cobus Kruger

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