WATCH: New minerals find, godly marketplace leaders in Heaven’s plans for SA — Shawn Bolz

Shawn Bolz at Kingdom Come SA 2020 at the weekend (PHOTO: Kingdom Come SA media team).

The discovery of a major mineral deposit that “could solve the whole problem of the economy” and the emergence of Christian marketplace leaders who solve problems in different areas of society, feature in God’s plans to make South Africa an influential benefactor, said prophetic pioneer, author and TV host Shawn Bolz at the weekend.

He was speaking to a crowd of several thousand Christians from SA and Southern Africa at the Kingdom Come SA Conference 2020 (KCSA2020) at Christian Family Church International in Kempton Park, Johannesburg.

“God wants to make South Africa a benefactor,” he said. “I believe He has already hidden the wealth in the land. There is a mineral deposit here that could solve the whole problem of the economy and it’s not even fully discovered yet. There’s going to be a signpost soon — I don’t know if it’s this year or next year — there’s going to be a signpost because there’s going to be some archaeological digs that hint at what’s buried deeper as far as minerals.”

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He said there will be a prominent newspaper report of archaeological findings that are going to hint at the mineral treasure buried deeper,” he said.

In his upbeat word for SA’s economic future, released just days before today’s announcement by Statistics SA that the country has slipped into a technical recession after its gross domestic product contracted by 1.4% in the fourth quarter of last year, Bolz said: “I believe the Lord isn’t looking at South Africa, worrying, ‘Oh my gosh they are having problems I can’t solve’.

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“But He is looking for a people who will look at the nation through His eyes and see that the solutions are already there and it’s time to broker them.”

Bolz, who is based in Los Angeles in the US, is passionate about Christianity that brings transformation and social justice and his ministry has brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEOs, entertainers, and world leaders. He said God is raising the bar of spiritual wisdom in SA — not just for the church but also for industry and business and education.

Kingdom solutions
He said God has a plan to raise prominent Christians who will provide solutions in key areas of society.

“It won’t be just a few. It’s going to increase and increase and there are going to be secular reporting mechanisms who start reporting on Christians who have solutions in politics and education and in some other areas as well. And society is going to begin to see that God is doing something different and it may be super-offensive to a lot of people because they don’t like Christianity.

“But the bottom line is God is on the move and He is about to take what has been on the undercurrent of His move and is putting it on the surface of your nation. Because in a very short period of time He wants to make this nation and influential nation.”

Watch video of Shawn Bolz releasing a word on SA on Saturday

Bolz said that just as Switzerland and Singapore are known as safe banking hubs, he felt that SA is called to be “a banking centre and a safe place and a place of unity and diversity where anybody can come and be safe.”

He observed that currently a lot of what was being experienced in South Africa looked opposite to what God has planned for the country. He said this was probably a result of “the enemy trying to preempt” God’s purposes.

“God usually puts light on you from the time you are born and the enemy looked at you when you were born and he started to create plans for this generation in South Africa — to kill you. But God knew those plans and provided a way out as well.

“And I feel that this year is going to be a doorway out of what the enemy intended for a whole generation in South Africa,” he said.

Bolz said that there has been a war of hope over SA for about 50 years and God wanted to release a message of hope that would reach far beyond the country.

He also said he believed that when Nelson Mandela died, the Lord said he was going to “raise a generation of Nelson Mandelas” in SA who would help to advance a civil rights movement and reconciliation in the church and the nation.

It was time for some things that were spoken over this nation and dreamed about by the previous generation of Christians to manifest.

Next great move of God
Expanding on his word that God wants SA to be a benefactor to the world, he said: “I believe the marketplace people in this room — you’re the forerunner of the next great move of God. You are literally the front-liners of what God is going to be doing.”

He said the Church would be involved in training, nurturing and mentoring but he believed God was commissioning many pastors to have a business as well. He was also commissioning business leaders with an assignment in the Spirit — “and it’s not just to make money for the Church to grow; it’s an actual appointment in society to make Jesus famous.

“And I feel today He wants to shift something in the relationship between church leaders and business leaders, so that church leaders don’t see business leaders as just benefactors. And business leaders will say to church leaders: ‘I need the same anointing that you have been commissioned with for my business or industry.'”

After releasing his word for SA, Bolz prayed for business leaders present to come into alignment with God’s plans and thinking; and for intercessors and worship leaders to be prepared for an urgent, intensive, “last push” of united prayer and worship to help birth the great move that God plans for this season.

“There’s going to be so much commissioning [of intercessors and worshipers] that there are going to be stadiums filled,” he said. “Because there’s going to be a push over the next few years that it just going to change everything,” he said.

He also prayed for revival in the Church in SA and for reconciliation — especially “between the black church and the white church”.


  1. Truly this prophecy is from GOD… covering so many aspects of His Plans for SA and Southern Africa. A new leadership in the Church and also in the Marketplace will now arise. True friends of GOD with the spirit of wisdom and revelation… to serve and to love the people of this country.

  2. Allan Verreynne

    God is always full of surprises!

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