On revival trail with ‘Let Us Worship’ — Lindy-Ann Hopley

My headlines in this revival report-back include ‘South African Lindy-Ann Hopley on stage with well-known worship leader Sean Feucht in the US’ and ‘Prophetic dreams manifest’.

I want to encourage you today — God is still speaking, He is still moving and He will have the last say! Revival or bust. Revival is on it’s way! God wins.

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Prophet Kim Clement prophesied that there would be another movement much like the “Jesus Movement “ which was spearheaded by Lonnie Frisbee. This new movement would be prayer and worship-focused going from state to state in the USA and at some point it would land and a revival would break out. 

In September last year I dreamt that I was on the back of a red truck in a convoy worshiping with other Christians in the street — similar to the Let Us Worship events. There were Satanists in the street also. I ended up on a big grass lawn in front of a big white courthouse — praying for something pertaining to abortion. 

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Three days later a US Supreme Court Judge died. She was known for her late-term up-to-birth and even after-birth pro-choice/murder stance. 
Before I knew it I was back and forth to Washington DC joining pro-life prayer groups to stand against the murdering of babies. 

Sean Feucht, a radical worshipper who is also passionate on the topic of abortion, has been holding big outdoor worship events across the USA, on beaches and city squares, parks, bridges and so on since they banned Christians from singing in church in California. Thus the name “Let Us Worship”.

Not to our surprise, Satanists have showed up at his events, burning Bibles, carrying “Hail Satan” signs, smashing Shaun’s music gear, throwing blood at the worship team, etc. Yes, all true.

As led by God, I have joined a few of their events, just supporting and joining in coming against this anti-Christ principality that is taking ground in this time using fear and shame tactics.

And then came Florida!

I got to lead the outreach prep session for “Light A Candle” one of the days… Many heard and received the Good News in the ‘most unchurched area’ in the US.

Powerful miracles and salvations took place! Onstage and off. I was walking around the back praying — a man’s deaf ear popped open, a lady’s breast tumour dissolved, “I am the devil” man got delivered and baptised and click on this link to look at this man’s story…

One of my intercessors from South Africa sent me a dream on February 10 while I was at the event: “Dreamed we were in a church and I took a video of you on stage. You were not preaching but playing piano like a pro and singing. I can’t remember the songs. It felt like I had to take a video of a video because in the middle of the performance an advertisement came on and then it was you singing and playing piano again.  After the performance you arranged for better seats for me in front in order to take a better video. I saw 3 yellow open chairs. …”

That night Sean shared a story of old yellow stickers given to him by one of the Jesus Movement intercessors. He put it on a t-shirt.

That night one of the leaders came to me and said: “I want you to pray with me tomorrow on stage” 

Night 10 and the last night — night 11 – I had the privilege of praying with the pastors for REVIVAL! 

“Lindy-Ann, I have called you to REVIVAL; do you say yes?” — God, Chicago 2011. 

See the first clip above.

Let Us Worship set up their event in West Palm Beach Florida for 11 nights — unknowingly during the Trump impeachment trial. The venue happened to be 10 minutes from Trumps’ US family residence Mar-A-Lago. The last day of the revival meetings – day 11 – the news came in : President Trump acquitted.

God set it up. He needed the prayer and worship of the saints to set His will in motion. God is the Alpha and the Omega.

The last night I was asked to pray in my native tongue — Afrikaans! Will you agree with me today for HERLEWING! 

John 3:16 For God so loved the WORLD! 

And even though the eyes of the world is currently on America, the heart of God is for the nations and I am here on assignment for a worldwide awakening! His Kingdom come on all the earth — amen?!

And oh what a BEAUTIFUL WITNESS it will be! Hallelujah! 

Love & Fire 

If you want to see the clip in which I pray in Afrikaans, stay connected and partner with me on this journey; follow is on social media and visit our website : beautifulwitness.com

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