Other News

Take back our schools!

God drew my attention to the challenges facing education when I addressed the Assembly at Plettenberg Bay Christian School recently. Christian education is desperately lacking in SA. Despite Christian schools providing excellent Bible-based education, many of them are struggling to survive. Apparently, Christian parents prefer to place their children in […]

The making of Malema

[notice]Pastor Afrika Mhlophe says public figures like expelled ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema are products of a corrupt, worldly system. ‘Can anything be done about it?’ he poses.[/notice]We held our breath and now we can afford to breathe a collective sigh of relief. There are two things that have […]

Two more rhino killed. Do we care?

[notice]Tourism professional Craig Duffield reports on the alarming slaughter of rhinos in South Africa by poachers, and asks whether we as Christians should care about this onslaught that threatens the survival of this species.[/notice] According to Kruger National Park spokesman, William Mabasa, people in a safari vehicle found the carcasses […]