Other News

Call for action on sleazy billboards

Two new Mavericks billboards in Cape Town – one on the N1 highway (going towards Cape Town, just before the Parden Island turnoff) and the other on Kloof Nek Road (Cape Town central), blatantly promote adultery, says Christian Action Network (CAN), in a media statement released today. The billboards advertise […]

Anti-abortion billboard “offensive” says ASA

[notice]Christian Action Network to appeal against ruling[/notice] The Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA) has ruled that the Christian Action Network’s (CAN) billboard stating “Abortion Kills Babies,” is “offensive” and must be withdrawn. The side of the mobile billboard in question reads “Since 1997, 700 000 [updated in 2010 to […]

Pulling down strongholds…

I attended the Justice and Constitutional Development Portfolio Committee’s deliberations on the ‘Prevention & Combating in Trafficking of Person’s Bill’ (TIP) in Parliament on November 1. I left Parliament frustrated at the slow progress of this vital legislation. There still does not appear to be any urgency in the Committee’s […]

Powerful secularising spirit challenging church, warns Anglican leader

[notice]The leader of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA), Archbishop Eliud Wabukala of Kenya, addressed the recent FCA conference in Durban. The FCA is a network of  orthodox mainstream Anglicans which represents 40 million of the 55 million churchgoing Anglicans worldwide and Wabukala is considered by some as the counterpart […]

Time for a talk

[notice]The first in a new fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice] “May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalms 19 vs 14 The other day, over a quick cup of coffee during my lunch break, […]