Other News

To nationalise or not?

    [notice]Port Elizabeth pastor Afrika Mhlophe challenges the church in South Africa to engage with the nationalisation debtate and to come up with some suggestions[/notice] From economists to self-appointed economic freedom fighters, the current debate in South Africa is about the issue of nationalisation. Those who are beating the […]

Global Leadership Summit profiles: 4/12

[notice]It is 9 weeks to the launch of the 2011 Global Leadership Summit (GLS) in South Africa. Today we profile the fourth in our weekly series of profiles of the 12 expert speakers who will challenge and inspire summit delegates around the world with the end goal of empowering local […]

The writing’s on the wall!

The current economic turmoil engulfing the world indicates the fragile nature of mankind’s security. Mankind’s rejection of God and increasing self-reliance has led the world to the brink of disaster. Major economic powerhouses like the US and Europe are teetering on the brink of economic collapse. Both America and the […]