[notice]Port Elizabeth Pastor, Afrika Mhlophe, takes a tough stance on the personal choices of public officials and the difference between Godly sorrow and worldly sorrow. [/notice] I am sitting on a flight en route from Paris to Stockholm and I am doing my best to try and finish reading a […]
Other News
Anti-abortion billboard “offensive” says ASA
[notice]Christian Action Network to appeal against ruling[/notice] The Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA) has ruled that the Christian Action Network’s (CAN) billboard stating “Abortion Kills Babies,” is “offensive” and must be withdrawn. The side of the mobile billboard in question reads “Since 1997, 700 000 [updated in 2010 to […]
Pulling down strongholds…
I attended the Justice and Constitutional Development Portfolio Committee’s deliberations on the ‘Prevention & Combating in Trafficking of Person’s Bill’ (TIP) in Parliament on November 1. I left Parliament frustrated at the slow progress of this vital legislation. There still does not appear to be any urgency in the Committee’s […]
Divine Commonwealth Conference in Nigeria breaks new ground
Report from Day 1 — By Chris Sugden The Divine Commonwealth Conference (see website), the first of its kind in the Church of Nigeria is being held in the National Christian Centre in Abuja. It was opened on Monday night by Archbishop Nicholas Okoh and is being attended by 5 […]
Powerful secularising spirit challenging church, warns Anglican leader
[notice]The leader of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA), Archbishop Eliud Wabukala of Kenya, addressed the recent FCA conference in Durban. The FCA is a network of orthodox mainstream Anglicans which represents 40 million of the 55 million churchgoing Anglicans worldwide and Wabukala is considered by some as the counterpart […]
Time for a talk
[notice]The first in a new fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice] “May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalms 19 vs 14 The other day, over a quick cup of coffee during my lunch break, […]
Final tuning for 11.11.11 worship events
Worship teams in South Africa are getting ready to play their part in leading slots as worshipers in 30 countries join tomorrow in the first annual Global Day of Worship (GDW) with the goal of lifting the name of Jesus in a united wave of worship that will span the […]
The Moipei Quartet return to Kenya with Best Of Africa award
The Moipei Quartet, also known in their country as the Kenyan Angels walked away with an award in the Best Of Africa category at the 4th annual Crown Gospel Music Awards. On Sunday 6th November 2011, approximately eight thousand people attended this prestigious event hosted at the impressive iNkosi Albert […]
New PE megachurch comes to life for night of celebration
A huge church building that has been taking shape on a major Port Elizabeth intersection for the past year, came gloriously alive during a joyous thanksgiving celebration service on October 30. The new 2 850 seat Victory Ministries International (VMI) church auditorium, which is under construction on the corner of […]
2011 Crown Gospel Music Awards winners
The winners of the 2011 Crown Gospel Music Awards were announced on Saturday at the ICC in Durban. The winners are: Best WorshipIsrael Mosehla – Uyinkosi YamakhosiNqubeko Mbatha -In The PresenceWord And Life -I Will Love YouKatlehong Gospel Choir- Uyingcwele Best JazzNathi Zungu- I Am Trust In MeLebo Sekgobela – […]