Other News

South Sudan becomes independent nation

Originally published in CBN News The Republic of South Sudan will join the community of nations tomorrow (Saturday. July 9). After the military celebrations and parades, the South will have to face up to the realities it faces. It will be one of the most underdeveloped countries on the planet. […]

Anointed season for Christian media

Dear Friend In this week’s news we cover the launch of the Unashamedly Ethical movement in Port Elizabeth. This Bible-based South African campaign for ethical business and lifestyles is spreading around the world. The picture shows some PE business leaders who were briefed by international co-ordinator of UE, Steve Johnstone […]

Beswaar teen bewerings van plundering

Die NG Kerk het gister beswaar gemaak teen ‘n berig in Beeld waarin die kerk genoem is in verband met beweerde plundering van die staatskas in die skemerjare van die apartheidstyd. Media24 se koerante berig vandeesweek dat die Openbare Beskermer beoog om ‘n volledige ondersoek uit te voer. In die […]

CAN fears Nigerian Islamisation via banking

By Joseph DeCaro – Originally published in Worthy News The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) said a proposal by the Central Bank of Nigeria to introduce Islamic Banking is part of a hidden agenda by Muslims to Islamize the nation. Bishop Goddy Okafor, CAN Chairman, Abia State Chapter, called on […]

Evangelical, Catholic, and mainline bodies issue evangelism rules

[notice]Missiologists applaud unity effort, but note what’s missing and what will raise eyebrows.[/notice] By Chris Norton – Originally published in Christianity Today Evangelical, Mainline Protestant, and Roman Catholic leaders convened in Geneva last week (June 28) to announce the release of a historic document on the ethics of Christian evangelism. […]