[notice]Yesterday (May 25) was Africa Day, a day that commemorates the founding of the Organisation Of African Unity on May 25, 1963. Today Africa Day is viewed by many as a day to celebrate African Unity. Port Elizabeth pastor Afrika Mhlope reflects on this day and other current […]
Other News
Books donated to pilot schools to boost reading performance
Literacy and numeracy support materials were donated to nine schools in the Port Elizabeth district of the Department of Education (DoE) this week to assist their Grades 1–3 teachers with the implementation of the Foundations for Learning campaign. These schools are part of a circuit team pilot project which is […]
Christian Woman in Darfur, Sudan arrested for evangelizing
Sudanese National Security Intelligence and Security Service agents have arrested a Christian woman in a Darfur camp for displaced people, accusing her of converting Muslims to Christianity, said sources who fear she is being tortured, Compass News Direct reported yesterday. At the same time, in Khartoum a Christian mother of […]
Kleinskool mission is “lighthouse” in the midst of despair
For the past 21 years feisty missionaries Boet and Annatjie Walker have been preaching the gospel, feeding the hungry, and uplifting the poor in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth. Now both approaching 70-years-old they are putting their energies into starting new upliftment projects at their Jesus is Lord Ministries […]
Netanyahu: Palestinians must accept Jewish state
Originally published in CBN.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Palestinians to be “genuinely committed” to peace and democracy, starting foremost with the public acceptance of a Jewish state. Speaking before the United States Congress Tuesday, Netanyahu said the benefits of peace have always been clear, but that leaders […]
“No need to worry about end-of-world predictions if you read your Bible!”
If Christians would only read their bibles they would not have to be anxious about predictions of the end of the world, says farmer and evangelist Angus Buchan in a message he posted on video-sharing website youtube today. “I am so concerned about so many people who are feeling anxious […]
Obama “clarifies” 1967 Israel border demands
Originally published in CBN.com Speaking to America’s largest pro-Israel lobby Sunday, President Barack Obama backpedaled to clarify his support of Israel returning to its 1967 borders. Criticism of the administration’s policy on Israel has grown following Obama’s May 19 endorsement of a two-state peace solution with Palestinians based on Israel’s […]
Marchers call for removal of sexually explicit programmes from TV broadcasts
By Africa Christian Action In both Cape Town and Johannesburg, about 150 Christians from a broad spectrum of churches marched to the e.tv studios on Saturday (May 21) to hand over a memorandum calling for the removal of sexually explicit programmes from this free-to-air channel. The channel has already received […]
Angus Buchan expecting “revival” at big Northern Ireland outreach
South African farmer and evangelist Angus Buchan is trusting God to move mightly in the hearts of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland when he shares the gospel with them at the Odyssey Arena sports and entertainment centre in Belfast this weekend (May 27 and 28). The 15 000-capacity arena, […]
Geopende Deure maak ‘n oproep vir gebed na die dood van Osama bin Laden
Terwyl erkenning gegee word aan die menslike, politieke en militêre betekenis van Osama bin Laden se dood, veral waar dit diegene aangaan wat gely het onder die vreeslike geweld wat hy en sy organisasie wêreldwyd gepleeg het, erken Geopende Deure ook die Bybelse oproep om te bid vir diegene wat […]