Other News

Is decriminalised prostitution ANC government’s job creation plan — Errol Naidoo

By Errol Naidoo, executive director Family Policy Institute Justice and Constitutional Development Deputy Minister, John Jeffery released a statement on February 8 indicating he has begun “a series of consultative meetings with various stakeholders and interest groups to discuss the possible decriminalisation of “sex work.”  The statement says: “The SA Law Reform Commission […]

Ukraine-Russia: local churches launch brave aid effort in war zone

Originally published in Assist News Service “Unstoppable” local churches in Ukraine and Russia are launching a large-scale humanitarian outreach across Ukraine as war erupts around them and many suffer. Supported by US-based Slavic Gospel Association (SGA, www.sga.org), the church-driven emergency response will provide food, winter clothes, blankets and medicines for thousands of at-risk […]