Other News

‘Black Sunday’ prayer campaign launched as slaughter of Christians in southern Kaduna escalates

Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin — by Elizabeth Kendal Despite its location in the north-west region of northern Nigeria and also being one of 12 states ruled (unconstitutionally) by Sharia Law, Kaduna State actually straddles Nigeria’s ethnic-religious fault-line. The north is predominantly Hausa-Fulani Muslim whilst the south is populated by numerous […]

Portland rioters burn Bibles outside federal building

Originally published in The Christian Post Rioters carrying “Black Lives Matter” signs threw Bibles into a fire in front of the federal courthouse in Portland and burned an American flag, leaving bystanders wondering what that act of arson had to do with protesting against police brutality. “People began starting a […]

Namibia church group calls on government to remove CSE from school curriculum

Originally published in Namibia Economist The Coalition of Churches and Faith-based Organisations on Ethical Social Justice in Namibia are troubled with the recently introduced education programme, called comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). To back up their fears the coalition explained that according to a 2019 global study, Re-examining the Evidence of […]