Other News

Trump defunds Planned Parenthood

By Steven Ertelt — Originally published in LifeNews.com The Planned Parenthood abortion business announced on Monday it will officially withdraw from the Title X programme — costing it $60-million (R913-million) in taxpayer funds because it refuses to follow a new Trump administration rule that requires it to segment out its […]

ACDP leaders, parents, take strong stand against CSE during Pretoria protest march

“Not on our watch!” Bishop Dalton Adams, ACDP member of parliament, said to a big group of riled-up protestors in front of the Department of Basic Education‘s offices in Pretoria last Saturday. A march was held last in the city to protest against the proposed introduction of comprehensive sexuality education […]

Constitutional Court reserves judgment in application for right of independents to contest elections

By Teresa Conradie Yesterday the Constitutional Court heard application by the New Nation Movement (NNM), Princess Chantal Revell of the First Nation people and two other applicants requesting the court to declare the Electoral Act unconstitutional for as far as it does not allow eligible South African citizens to stand […]