Other News

A golden year ahead!

Time to taste the sweet honey of following Yeshua I was looking forward, with some trepidation, to blowing the shofar in front of hundreds of schoolchildren last week. But in the end my wife, who teaches Christianity and the Jewish feasts to primary pupils all across our town, decided she […]

Love lessons from God

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice]  A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one […]

Bill Johnson leading conference in SA — and there’s a rugby connection!

Influential pastor, pioneering revivalist and author Bill Johnson will be leading a three-day Kingdom Conference in Johannesburg in February next year — and the timing of his first ever ministry trip to South Africa has more than a little to do with Springbok rugby! To understand the divinely-inspired rugby link […]

Youth presented with case for Zionism

Over 300 young people from various cultures, tribes and provinces attended DEISI International’s first annual Youth Summit in Johannesburg on Saturday September 24. “We give God glory for the incredible success of the Youth Summit, this despite all the criticism and accusations that the event would be a failure!  God […]

Jesus appeared as bus driver to Muslim pilgrim in Mecca

Originally published in God Reports When a discouraged Muslim pilgrim boarded a bus in Mecca to return home, he wasn’t prepared for a personal encounter with Jesus and the filling of the Holy Spirit. “Omar’s life was empty and yet full of troubles,” recounts Erick Schenkel, executive director of the […]