Other News

Morocco calls for Muslim nations to protect Christians from persecution

Originally published in CBN.com This week over 250 Muslim leaders met in Morocco to release the Marrakesh Declaration, a groundbreaking document calling for Muslim nations to defend Christians against persecution. Open Doors reported that violent Islamic extremism will be the “lead generator of persecution for 35 out of 50 nations” […]

Last week to win tickets to The Passion World Tour

This week’s winners Congratulations to our first 6 winners in the Passion World Tour ticket giveaway competition. Frieda Schultz, Ellenor Lotter and  Natalie Theunissen  have won tickets to the event at Pretoria (Loftus Versveld) on February 12, 2016 and Jacques Conradie, Pat Fourie and  Vuyokazi Nabo are the winners of […]

4 ridiculous Christian myths about dating some people (but definitely not you) actually believe

[notice]Jesus came to give us abundant life (John 10:10). In this monthly column, Jacob McMillen examines what it means for men, young and old, to father abundant life in their families, communities, businesses and churches.[/notice] For those unfamiliar with the subject, dating is a relatively simple procedure that must always […]

Men will be called to ‘launch out into deep waters’

From the material to the miraculous in faith [notice]Alf James writes about the important topic of faith and Christian living — and talks to Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) committee members about their amazing, ongoing, faith journey and the faith theme for KMMC 2016.[/notice] Faith is critical to our Christian walk. It […]