Other News

Brazil 2014: 10 amazing God moments of the World Cup

Originally published in Christianity Today They say faith and football don’t mix (‘they’ being Wayne Rooney’s PR team). But the 2014 World Cup has been packed with examples of the blurry line between the two. From players thanking Jesus to others just acting like him, the fingerprints of God have […]

Let’s offer God an ‘Abel offering’!

[notice]Hugh Wetmore is a songwriter and student of worship trends. He invites you to join the worship conversation by commenting on his monthly column.[/notice] The Convener of a recent Worship Leaders’ Workshop sent out this email: “As elder in oversight of our music ministry, it is my duty to ensure that […]

Iraqi Christians flee to Biblical city for refuge

Originally published in Charisma News The advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has left few safe havens for Iraq’s Christians. Many have found protection in Iraqi Kurdistan and help from American believers. When CBN News learned that many fleeing Christians found refuge in the northern Ninevah […]