Other News

Christian homeschooling family granted asylum in USA

Originally published in Christiannews.net The Obama administration has decided to allow a Christian homeschooling family from Germany to remain in the country after initially battling the family in court as they sought asylum in the United States. Ewe and Hannelore Romeike have been battling the matter in the courts for several […]

Parliamentary committee ratifies toned-down version of anti-Israel Cape Town declaration

A meeting of the Portfolio Committee on International Relations took place in Parliament this week to discuss and ratify the anti-Israel “Cape Town Declaration”. The committee hosted The Parliamentary Solidarity Conference in support of the peoples of Palestine, Western Sahara and Cuba on February 6. But many pundits have speculated […]

Sidetracked with Heandus

[notice]A new monthly interview column in which Mike Beets tunes into the heartbeat of Christian musicians and the SA Christian music industry.[/notice] It’s easy to get confused once you get to meet the three members of Heandus for the first time after listening to their music. The hugely enjoyable music […]