Revival – A people saturated with God

[notice]A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer  for Jesus, Angus Buchan[/notice] We have recently returned from the United Kingdom, where we were invited to preach in the five nations over eight short days. It was amazing to see the power of God demonstrated tangibly on this trip. We arrived in the green hills of Wales and had a meeting in a huge cow shed. The organizers were not sure if anyone was going to arrive, but as always, the Lord was faithful and many folk arrived. As a young lady started to sing in Welsh (Gaelic) that old famous revival hymn, “Here is Love, wide as the Ocean”, a dove flew into the shed and circled three times over the crowd before graciously flying out. The presence of the Holy Spirit had arrived and we could feel it. I found myself weeping unashamedly because I knew God was there. We had an incredible meeting.

The next morning we were up and travelling to Dublin to the Republic of Ireland. Here we spoke in a place where cattle are auctioned. Many Irish folk responded to our Lord Jesus, this meeting I will never forget it. God is on the move, I tell you! We need to preach the simple, undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ. That night I experienced something that was so unique and so precious to me. You see, God moves miraculously in different ways. When the Israelites came out of Egypt, the Lord parted the Red Sea and the whole nation of Israel passed through and then God drowned the enemy, but God also moves in the small things. At the altar call, there was a little baby who was crying uncontrollably. Her mother had come forward with the child to accept Jesus Christ as her Saviour. She could not get out of the crowd, because they were pressing from behind her. The Holy Spirit told me in my heart, to bend down and to pick the child up. Now, I am a grandfather many times over and I know it is a dangerous thing to pick up another person’s child, because that child will usually cry even more. Well, as I picked her up, she was absolutely quiet. She put her little head on my shoulder and I gave her a little water. The whole crowd softened and there were tears flowing everywhere. The Holy Spirit worked through a child again.

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Ministering in Magerafelt, Northern Ireland. (PHOTO: Supplied)

We left for Northern Ireland. There we had two meetings – public meetings in the town square. We saw Jesus moving as he did in the book of Acts. With pubs on one side of the street and shops on the other, the organizers put a huge platform up with speakers and overhead screens. We were able to preach the Gospel and we saw both Protestants and Roman Catholics coming together and making their peace with God. It was a wonderful experience.

From there, we were whisked away to Edinburgh, Scotland to a huge strawberry farm where we saw many men and women accepting Christ. Oh my dear friend, it is harvest time! From there we were flown down to England. Again we saw miracles, signs and wonders after the preaching of God’s Word. I am back home now and getting ready for whatever God has got in store for me, but I want to ensure you that revival is not only here in South Africa, it is all over the world. We need to ask God to open our spiritual eyes to see it. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV) says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

We need to start calling those things that are not, as if they are and God will honor that. It is harvest time. Why? Because the time is right. Why? Because Jesus is not coming soon, He is on His way. I close with this one scripture Joel 3:14 (NKJV), “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!” They (the multitudes) need to know what they must do in order to find eternal life, and it is quite simple, they must be born again.

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God bless you.
Angus Buchan


  1. Norman Trethewey

    It is wonderful to see that Christian testimony is no longer shy and retiring but is taken to the people who are searching for the Truth.

  2. I love it! Oh Lord…let it rain!…open the Heavens and send forth they Spirit to move across the earth. I love what took place..what is happening. Thank you God.

  3. Please will you let me know somehow when the first quarterly mini MMC will be…as Piper James spoke of..heading up to the main MMC. as well as the lunch with prayer and family gathering. Thank you so much for everything. God bless you abundantly.

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