Other News

Proposed spanking law should be opposed

Social Development Minister, Bathabile Dlamini is currently formulating legislation that will effectively criminalise parents for disciplining their own children – ostensibly to combat child abuse. Government’s knee-jerk reaction to the alarming rates of child abuse in SA is an admission of its failure to enforce laws already in place. Parents, […]

Zuma passes long-awaited human trafficking bill

Maximum penalty of R100m and/or life imprisonment Originally published in SouthAfrica.info President Jacob Zuma has signed the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill into law, giving South Africa, for the first time, a single statute that tackles human trafficking holistically and comprehensively. The long-awaited new law provides a maximum […]

Tutu ‘out of order’ says Meshoe

African Christian Democratic Party president, Rev Kenneth Meshoe, today criticised  recent remarks by Archbishop Desmond Tutu at the launch of the United Nations’ “Free and Equal” campaign to promote fair treatment of LGBT persons. At the event Tutu reportedly said: “I would not worship a God who is homophobic.” The […]