Other News

Iran convicts six Christian converts

Convictions receive little news coverage in election week Originally published in World Watch Monitor Six Iranian converts to Christianity were convicted of crimes related to their membership in a house church, a news service has reported. Mohabat News, which reports on news of Christians inside Iran, published a report on […]

A view of the great beyond

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] “This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever.” 1 John 2:17 I recently moved into a new home – a lovely apartment in an older part of the city […]

Explosion in attack on church in Kenya injures 15

Originally published in Morning Star News Assailants on a motorbike threw an explosive device into a church compound in southeastern Kenya on Sunday (June 9), injuring 15 people. Two pastors were among the wounded from the explosion at an evangelistic service of Earthquake Miracle Ministries Church in Mrima village, near […]

Mandela continues to recover, but keep praying, says Zuma

Originally published in Sky News Nelson Mandela continues to recover from a lung infection but his condition is still serious, the South African government has said. President Jacob Zuma visited the country’s 94-year-old former leader on Thursday evening at the Pretoria hospital where he has been receiving treatment since Saturday. […]