Other News

Middle East visit should improve SA-Israel relations — Dudley

African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) MP Cheryllyn Dudley says she is hopeful that a recent week-long visit to Israel and Palestine by a Parliamentary group will contribute towards a constructive shift in relations between the South African Government and Israel. She commended the predominantly anti-Israel ANC committee members for withholding […]

A personal tribute to Dallas Willard

[notice] Vineyard pastor and author ALEXANDER VENTER, wrote this tribute on Ascension Day to philosopher, professor and author Dallas Willard who died on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. [/notice] A great man of God – in the truest sense of the words – has passed into the kingdom of the heavens. After […]

There is no panic in heaven

[notice]A devotional based on everyday experiences.[/notice] The neighborhood women started calling him “Naomi’s baby boy!” But his real name was Obed. Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David. Ruth 4:17 (MSG) Ever wonder what God is up to? There is a mother in the bible […]

Nigeria: militants step in to ‘protect’ Christians as west turns blind eye

[notice]As attacks on Christians in Nigeria intensify, internal forces want to take matters into their own hands. But this could have disastrous consequences, says a report published in INContext Ministries’ World In Motion, Issue 75.[/notice] Since Nigeria’s government has proved itself incapable of protecting the country’s Christians, the militant Movement for the […]