Other News

Man realises wish to present ‘crucifixion’ nails to Angus Buchan

A man who found God after he improbably survived a suicide attempt five years ago fulfilled a divine compulsion yesterday when he presented four ‘crucifixion nails’ to Angus Buchan moments before the evangelist addressed the Karoo Mighty Men Conference at Middelburg. Michel Stone said that in December 2007 his troubled […]

Indian Supreme Court considering online porn ban

By Thaddeus Baklinski — Originally published in Lifesite News Responding to a groundswell of public opinion, the Supreme Court of India has asked the government to respond to a public interest litigation (PIL) petition that seeks to ban online pornography. The petition comes in the wake of a brutal gang-rape […]

Christian tortured by Islamists in Egypt mosque

By Aidan Clay — Originally published in Persecution.org A mosque in suburban Cairo was used by Islamic hardliners to terrorize a Christian and anti-Islamist protestors in suburban Cairo in March, activists said. Christians and liberals are growing increasingly concerned with the Muslim Brotherhood’s failure to protect religious minorities. Amir Ayad […]

Being a fruitful tree in every season

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates […]

Tongaat ‘healing revival’ meetings to continue indefinitely, says Todd Bentley

After nearly three weeks of meetings the ‘Great Awakening Healing Revival’ continues to gain momentum in Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal and evangelist Todd Bentley has extended his meetings indefinitely, reports GOD TV. The international Christian television network has been airing the Revival live each day since April 12 and viewers from all […]

French parliament approves gay marriage law

Originally published in Charisma News French parliament approved a law allowing same-sex couples to marry and to adopt children on Tuesday, a flagship reform pledge by President Francois Hollande that sparked often violent street protests and a rise in homophobic attacks. Hollande’s “marriage for all” law is the biggest social […]

Mark Burnett works on film version of ‘The Bible’

Originally published in Charisma News The record-breaking miniseries The Bible may be on its way to the big screen. Producer Mark Burnett divulged on Monday (April 22) that he is preparing a three-hour movie version of the hit series, which aired on the History Channel. “We’re cutting a movie version […]